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Showing posts from October, 2010

Halloween Series: Interview with Hannibal Lecter

( Later today there will be another post filled with creep atmosphere about my childhood home, Aspen Grove ) This is the last in my Halloween Series of Sunday interviews with horror movie killers and we’re going out with a bang! Well, perhaps a chomp! Here is my interview with Hannibal Lecter of “Silence of the Lambs.” At last, I had a worthy killer to interview. This isn’t just your usual big stupid knife-wielding oaf. No, Hannibal sees himself as quite superior to the rest of humanity. This may be the only interview I did in which I broke the killer. AUTUMN: I want it noted that we have removed Mr. Lecter’s facemask and mouth guard for interviewing purposes, but he is strapped down to his chair and appears quite harmless. Mr. Lecter, tell me why you feel compelled to kill? HANNIBAL: ( thoughtful pause ) I don’t consider it the killing of a living being but the transformation of a wounded creature into his or her true potential. AUTUMN: True potential or your dinner meal? HANNIBAL:...

My Son's Creepy Vids

Ya'all probably know my son is about to graduate from college with an art degree with an emphasis on video art. His talents blow me away and he is hoping to some day start his own production company which I have no doubt he can do. His video inspirations involve some southwestern influences but most are focused on memories and boomtowns gone bust. Enjoy these films he's made over the years and hope they get you in a creepy mood. “Automaton” (above--yes that is actually him on his first Halloween) "Al Khamsa" (above) "Reverberations" (above) "Tamarisk" (above)

"Ghost Lab" at Lizzie Borden's and Investigation Discovery Shows

THANKS DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!! ( TLC crapped out on documentaries and the unexplained--unless you count families with too freaking many children, but Discovery remembered us--thanks! ) Sorry ya'all, I didn't have this in my weekly show's writeup because the TV listings didn't list it. Argh! I'm excited and this is actually something I want to see. It's tough having it up against "Destination Truth" and "Fact or Faked," as someone's going to have to decide which one to tape and which one to see. Though she was subsequently acquitted, townspeople remained convinced of Lizzied Borden's guilt. Is it possible that the alleged spirits of the Borden family hold the key to unlocking this mystery once and for all? The Everyday Paranormal team on " Ghost Lab " uses unconventional methods — including an attorney — to find out. -- Premieres Thursday, October 28 at 10 pm ET/PT On Investigation Discovery Channel they're bringing out all ...

"Ghost Hunters" Live Episode Tomorrow SyFy!

Yes, I am going to be watching this because they got smart this time and their special guests are all the members of GH from all the shows and Josh Gates hosting ( yum! ). So, I will be watching this live episode from Buffalo Central Terminal ( very scary place ), but I admit to taking a break for AMC's new zombie show "The Walking Dead" and it would take the walking dead to pull me away from that one. Tomorrow night promises to be amazing on SyFy and AMC!

Lonely on a Friday Night

It's that time again--from now until the last person passes out, we'll hang out here and comment back and forth. Jump in and join us at any time. The more the merrier. You can tell us what you're up to, talk about "Ghost Adventures," flirt, complain or anything else. It's totally casual and totally ridiculous.

"Ghost Adventures" Drinking Game

"Timothy" is a 1971 song about 3 men trapped in a mine. Well tonight is "Ghost Adventures" in the Vultures Mines. Could it be more appropriate? I admit that I got to see this episode early and WOW!! This might be my favorite episode they ever did. Yeah, don't miss it guys, this is actually a really cool investigation and some interesting techniques and just lots of chills. Same as always, the drinking game tonight includes the rules; you must stay home--no driving. Take a slug for every "bro," "dude," "man" and every time Aaron's mouth drops open in shock. I'm adding one more thing from now on--every time Zak gets touched! My drink choice tonight? I figured since they're hanging out in the mines, maybe something a bit rich like cognac. Don't forget at 7 pm EST and all evening we have "Lonely on a Friday Night" here. Come and join us, comment back and forth, talk about the show, what you're drinking, any...

Review "Fact or Faked"

( above-special Halloween edition pic this time, next week expect the tank top shots to come back full force ) It's the second season of "Fact or Faked." Those who have followed my blog for a while know a few things about this: 1. There is always a boobie shot based on an inside joke about whether they're fact or faked ( the answer is FACT ). 2. Upon occasion the show inspires a new episode of my LAUGH series ( right hand side of the screen ) and expect this season will be most inspiring. In fact, the first episode is on Thursday as part of your reminder to see the show and it was so funny to write, that I literally had to stop, take a breath and continue typing as tears ran down my cheeks. 3. I might have a slight crush on Ben Hansen, the team leader. It probably has to do with his thoughtful deep-thinking stares and his intelligence and slightly nerdish shy feel that I have always had a thing for. All your comments are graciously welcome, good and bad. We don...

Boycott Halloween Movies on Halloween! Enjoy Zombies instead!

Got your attention, huh? Every Halloween we watch the same thing while handing out the candies (and eating half of them, as well). We put on the lineup of horror movies. Maybe we think we're being innovative watching J&G sellout and have celebrities hunt for 6 excruciating hours with them. There is only one place I will be on Halloween night and that is in front of the TV watching AMC's brand new show premiering that night called "The Walking Dead." This promises to be my very favorite drama tv show! Here's the description: " Police officer Rick Grimes wakes from a coma to find the world ravaged by a zombie apocalypse. Nearby, a small group struggles to stay alive as 'the dead' stalk them. Can Rick and the group survive the zombies and each other in this horrific new reality? The Walking Dead is a survival adventure series from the director of The Shawshank Redemption and the producer of The Terminator. Premieres Sun., Oct. 31 at 10/9c on AMC. ...

Winner of the Book Giveaway/"Destination Truth"/New Season "Fact or Faked"! I Love You SyFy!

Here's the winner of the book contest for "The Dead Path" I managed to find a way to control Skittles. It's sort of like hypnosis. He loves horror, but it was making him more and more controlling and scary. But, I found out that "The View" tends to make him quite docile for a good 24 hours, just in time for another episode. Only problem is the weekends and with this being Halloween weekend, well, we might need to go to Plan B and leave him in the desert... The last episode for "Destination Truth" for this season... Expect to see my usual Friday review of "Fact or Faked" including, of course, the boobie shot ( a seasonally appropriate one this time and you're getting four for two because I have a friend standing in with me as guest breasts ).

The Almost Forgotten Cemetery

Today's creepy thing in the blog world is here . This cemetery intrigued me. It sits in Chandler, Arizona and was outside of the grounds of a formal cemetery, a bunch of spread out graves in huge tall desert weeds and tumbleweeds. The graves were itinerant worker's graves from the early half of the 1900s. A huge home builder bought the land and wanted to put McMansions but he was met with resistance. They couldn't move the cemetery and could hardly sell houses with it sitting there. They had to do some quick nice-nice with the community groups so they put up a big wall around it, some pretty park benches and a plaque and then hid the gate away in the shadows so maybe no one would notice in the center of the new housing community was a few acres of graves. As you can see by this film I shot when Julie and I were there, some of these houses look down into the cemetery. I seriously would pay extra for one of those homes.

Suggested Online Halloween Shows

My favorite show of all time was "Stark Raving Mad." The premise was simple: An uptight publishing assistant is sent out to help a misanthropic dark and bitter horror writer get his second novel written after having a huge best-selling first. The writer has a dumb-headed assistant and a female friend who bartends in the bar at the bottom of their apartment building. The anal-retentive, germaphobic assistant is contantly dealing with the sarcastic writer's antics. This episode involves the ultimate pranks and paybacks. Enjoy! The elevator scene had me laughing so hard I cried. I've found this online series called " McKracken Live !" on KoldCast TV that is pretty sharp. This Halloween episode might be just the thing.

Collectors: Do Your Possessions Get Along?

Today's creepy thing in the blog world--my favorite Halloween Haunt Builder, John from Season of Shadows is fucking brilliant. Ya’all know I’m working on a few books right now including a workbook called “Was That a Ghost?” that helps you through some steps to figure out if something you encountered was paranormal. One of the chapters deals with objects and how they interrelate given psychic residual that they carry. Some of this information seems like something worth sharing. The problem occurs when one adopts used, vintage or family heirlooms and introduces them to the mix at home. On a psychic level, it’s like bringing home a new pet. Sometimes, they don’t play together well with the established pets. I call this the “ curse of the antique shop .” For decades I’ve had friends who wanted me to go into antique stores with them to read objects before they acquired them. I don’t mind doing such a service and can tell them much about the past owners and be sure they get ones with th...

Sentimental Scents: God, I'm in Love!

Every woman likes to know they have a lingering scent, not the kind that drives people away from them in the store because they give others a headache, but that mysterious waft of memory that hits people with an instant emotion. Spirits may have residual that plays out through time in a building, but the living have residual too; a trail of intermingled fragrant artifacts that make others feel happy and safe, intrigued and aroused or adoring. I have spent my life playing with scents from the expensive bottles on my mother's dressing table at our manor house to the toilet waters from the turn-of-the-century left behind in our Victorian summer home. All the while, I've waited to find a perfume that arouses my memories. Many make me think of "male," "female," "old lady," "desperate cougar," but none of them delight me into playful, comfortable, or downright horny moods. That is, until now... I discovered a perfume maker whose entire line of ...

Abandoned Churches

(Don't forget the book giveaway .) I always had a fantasy about buying an old church and making it my home. I'm not a religious person at all, but I am spiritual. No matter how people come about their spirituality, a church is an interesting place to contain a lot of people having spiritual experiences at one time and so for that reason they intrigue the psychic in me. I've had a long-time love affair with abandoned places. You put the two things together and you get this beautiful video: When I win the lottery or become a best-selling author--I want to renovate one of the ones in the video? Or, perhaps I could settle for a new home in PA, this one (below) is only $99,000. There's more listed here .

This Halloween week in Horror Movies and Paranormal TV

Just for fun, put on your copy of "Halloween II." Oh, you know you own it, confess! Put it at the beginning when they show Dr. Loomis shooting Michael. This bothered me from the first time I saw it in the theater in high school... notice how Michael backs up onto the balcony and his feet are at the same level as the railing? Hmm.... * (asterisk) means I’m watching it. This list gets bigger and bigger with more paranormal shows making new episodes and of course all the smart channels knowing to show horror as we approach Samhain. I’m thrilled that “Fact or Faked” is back on the scene on Thursday night following “Destination Truth” ( awesome ass to kiss ). So, expect more of the FoF tank top boobie shots on the Friday reviews and perhaps a new LAUGH episode. MONDAY: SPIKE: “Halloween” ( the Rob Zombie unusual version ) *AMC: “Halloween” ( the good one ) and “Halloween II” SyFy: “Scare Tactics” marathon TUESDAY: *FX: “The Happening” ( M. Knight’s first R-rated movie about ...

New Ghost Book Giveaway!

Today's creepy thing in the blog world. Wow! Random House is going to offer a copy of a new book that sounds very promising. A ghost story. Yes, the best kind! Do you remember the last time a book gave you the chills? "The Dead Path" is the ghost story we’ve been waiting for. A haunting vision in the woods sets off a series of tragic events, leaving Nicholas Close lost amid visions of ghosts trapped in their harrowing, final moments. These uniquely ter rifying apparitions lead him on a thrilling and suspenseful ride to confront a wicked soul, and will leave an indelible mark on lovers of high-quality suspense and horror alike. Nicholas Close has always had an uncanny intuition, but after the death of his wife he becomes haunted, literally, by ghosts doomed to repeat their final violent moments in a chilling and endless loop. Torn by guilt and fearing for his sanity, Nicholas returns to his childhood home and is soon entangled in a dis turbing series of disappearances and...

Halloween Series: Interview with Jason Voorhes

Today's creepy thing in the blog world. This is another in my series every Sunday until Halloween in which I interview a horror movie killer. This interview today is with Jason Voorhes. AUTUMN: Some people might call you a real mama’s boy, Jason. What do you think? JASON: ( muffled voice from behind the hockey mask ) My mommy was a good woman. She worked hard to avenge my death. AUTUMN: ( blinks ) But, you didn’t really die, did you? JASON: ( Shakes his head and shrugs ) AUTUMN: Why do you continue to kill people here at the lake when you know none of them had anything to do with your drowning? JASON: They’re having sex in my woods! Getting drunk! Getting high! AUTUMN: So, this is a moral issue? JASON: Moral? Hell no! I’m fucking jealous! Who the hell is going to get drunk or high with me? Who’s going to make love with me? AUTUMN: Yes, that’s true. JASON: Of course, you realize I can’t let you leave this cabin. AUTUMN: Hmm? ( scoots her chair back ) JASON: I ...

Circling the Drain: How Does Residual Haunting Imprint?

Finally, I'm going to write about something ghost-related. I know, I know, I'm very ADD in October. I can't help myself. I'm a playful gal and then I have Dale the Doll and Skittles the Clown added to the mix of chaos and I'm lucky I get 2 posts up a day. Some day, if this gal ever gets a love life, you might only get a post a day. Guess you'll know I'm getting lucky if things slow down on here. I promise that as we go into November, the focus is going to get hot and heavy in all things paranormal. On Halloween day, I debated what to write about and decided I'd give you some insight into the place that started my trek into the paranormal, my childhood home; "Aspen Grove." The first time I heard this term, I worked in an ER. I heard two doctors talking ( real dicks ) and one said to the other, “yeah, he’s circling the drain,” referring to a patient who was dying and could not be revived. Since then, the term has come to mean more to me. It invol...

Halloween Series: Short Story: "Drained"

Todays creepy thing in the blog world. He's showing Halloween-ie cool music videos. I love it! This is another in my Saturdays in October series of short stories. Enjoy! He never ventured out after dark. It wasn’t that he feared it. No, Holger’s reasons were ever so practical; he had poor night vision. If he even tried to drive on the roads, headlights from oncoming cars looked like blinding sunbursts. He cringed when he recalled the last time he drove at night, precisely one year ago this evening. The things you do for love. Pleased that on this Valentine’s Day he didn’t have to trek out to an overpriced restaurant for a meal he didn’t like, he made himself comfortable at home. The whole romance thing was grossly overrated. He knew from experience it was a sticky trap that ruined a man’s confidence. It wasn’t like Jenny Lee had just up and taken his heart with her when she exited his life, but she did leave a bad taste in his mouth. She seemed like a perfectly sweet and pleas...

Lonely on a Friday Night?

It's that time again. From now until the last person gives up commenting, we all just hang out and chat, giggle, make comments about "Ghost Adventures" tonight, flirt, and share philosophy and cocktails. You may begin commenting now....

Q&A With Ben and Jael from "Fact or Faked"

( Sorry, Ben, I just had to use this shot above--it was too cute ) Right now, I'm on a Q&A with Ben and Jael from "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files." Lucky me, I got the first question. You know I had to ask Ben-Baby a question. Did you ever want to investigate something the rest of the team didn't? Ben said, yes. UFOs are one of his favorite subjects and they had a bunch of triangle ones in Russia being seen by huge amounts of people and might have been a hoax, but with so many witnesses, he wanted to check it out. Did you ever find out anything about a case afterwards that changed your mind? Ben said, yes. An upcoming episode this season in Washington State he entered very open-minded and found the witness to be not credible. Ben also opened up that he was a nerd with microscopes as a kid. "X-Files" was on when he was in high school and he thought the job was so cool and loved the paranormal cases. He was influenced by that. He studied crimonology. He w...

"Ghost Adventures" Drinking Game! And More Skittles the Clown

(The creepy and cool post to check out today). Well, tonight Zak and the boys are going to a nursing home, hence the video chosen above. I'll admit that I got a chance to see the episode earlier and it actually is one of my favorite ones they've done in a very long time. Definitely worth a watch in the dark with a good warm drink. The drinking game's only requirements are you stay home to do it and watch the show-- duh! Take a swig for every "bro," "dude," "man" and every time Aaron's mouth becomes unhinged in horror. Tonight's drink at my "Day Spa"? Disarrono in hot cocoa. I wanted something sweet and potent ( the way I like my men and drinks. Oh hell, I guess sometimes I like my drinks stiff and my men... well, you get the idea ). Don't forget tonight at 7 pm EST, we have "Lonely on a Friday Night" here. Come and comment back and forth, flirt, goof off, tell us what you're drinking, comment on the show as...

"Destination Truth" SyFy Yahoo!

Okay, so daily I'm going to direct you to something creepy I found on one of the blogs I follow, something that is dark and will get you into the Halloween spooky paranormal mood. Look for today's here . Yeah, I have a drinking game for "Ghost Adventures" and those of us who believe "Destination Truth" is our very favorite show, desire a drinking game as well I've suggested it before and I'll remind you; take a swig for every time they take a new form of transportation ( this an even include hiking ). Stay home, for pete's sake. You're going to seriously get buzzed.