( Later today there will be another post filled with creep atmosphere about my childhood home, Aspen Grove ) This is the last in my Halloween Series of Sunday interviews with horror movie killers and we’re going out with a bang! Well, perhaps a chomp! Here is my interview with Hannibal Lecter of “Silence of the Lambs.” At last, I had a worthy killer to interview. This isn’t just your usual big stupid knife-wielding oaf. No, Hannibal sees himself as quite superior to the rest of humanity. This may be the only interview I did in which I broke the killer. AUTUMN: I want it noted that we have removed Mr. Lecter’s facemask and mouth guard for interviewing purposes, but he is strapped down to his chair and appears quite harmless. Mr. Lecter, tell me why you feel compelled to kill? HANNIBAL: ( thoughtful pause ) I don’t consider it the killing of a living being but the transformation of a wounded creature into his or her true potential. AUTUMN: True potential or your dinner meal? HANNIBAL:...