(The creepy and cool post to check out today).
Well, tonight Zak and the boys are going to a nursing home, hence the video chosen above. I'll admit that I got a chance to see the episode earlier and it actually is one of my favorite ones they've done in a very long time. Definitely worth a watch in the dark with a good warm drink. The drinking game's only requirements are you stay home to do it and watch the show--duh! Take a swig for every "bro," "dude," "man" and every time Aaron's mouth becomes unhinged in horror. Tonight's drink at my "Day Spa"? Disarrono in hot cocoa. I wanted something sweet and potent (the way I like my men and drinks. Oh hell, I guess sometimes I like my drinks stiff and my men... well, you get the idea).
Don't forget tonight at 7 pm EST, we have "Lonely on a Friday Night" here. Come and comment back and forth, flirt, goof off, tell us what you're drinking, comment on the show as you watch it. Everyone is welcome. We go until the last person passes out or turns off his/her computer. Oh, and I got wise and eliminated the blasted word verification. I never thought about changing the original settings from 3 freaking years ago. It should make commenting a breeze.
Oh, and here's another insane video from last night. It seems that Skittles the clown doll, bought for all the best intentions to keep my ventriloquist doll, Dale, in his place, is now terrifying us both. We have a plan of how to get rid of him. Wish us luck.
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