(Sorry, Ben, I just had to use this shot above--it was too cute)
Right now, I'm on a Q&A with Ben and Jael from "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files." Lucky me, I got the first question. You know I had to ask Ben-Baby a question.
Did you ever want to investigate something the rest of the team didn't?
Ben said, yes. UFOs are one of his favorite subjects and they had a bunch of triangle ones in Russia being seen by huge amounts of people and might have been a hoax, but with so many witnesses, he wanted to check it out.
Did you ever find out anything about a case afterwards that changed your mind?
Ben said, yes. An upcoming episode this season in Washington State he entered very open-minded and found the witness to be not credible.
Ben also opened up that he was a nerd with microscopes as a kid. "X-Files" was on when he was in high school and he thought the job was so cool and loved the paranormal cases. He was influenced by that. He studied crimonology. He worked for private and gov't agencies doing research, interviewing, putting together evidence, making conclusions, that type of work. He was mostly doing ghost hunting before the show and interested in UFOs for over 20 years and the production company had no concept yet, so they sat down and talked about what was lacking on TV. They got the ball rolling from that. They added some team members, some swapped out, brought in Jael because of journalism background and "Destination Truth." Ben had investigation background and Bill was well known in paranormal community, so they all joined together.
Jael's favorite case was the weird walking stick figure on the person's lawn and it creeped her out. There were also 2 sightings of it while investigating. Jael will be doing 2 guest episodes on "Destination Truth" next season.
Ben said he would like to spend a couple weeks in AZ camping and checking out UFO stuff. Hey, Ben, honey, if you come here, you better contact me. I'll show you some pretty wicked places where I've seen UFOs and a gorgeous view of the moon, as well. :-)
I am really really really looking forward to this season beginning Thursday Oct 28th on SyFy after "Destination Truth."
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