Today's creepy thing in the blog world--my favorite Halloween Haunt Builder, John from Season of Shadows is fucking brilliant.
Ya’all know I’m working on a few books right now including a workbook called “Was That a Ghost?” that helps you through some steps to figure out if something you encountered was paranormal. One of the chapters deals with objects and how they interrelate given psychic residual that they carry. Some of this information seems like something worth sharing.
The problem occurs when one adopts used, vintage or family heirlooms and introduces them to the mix at home. On a psychic level, it’s like bringing home a new pet. Sometimes, they don’t play together well with the established pets.
I call this the “curse of the antique shop.”
For decades I’ve had friends who wanted me to go into antique stores with them to read objects before they acquired them. I don’t mind doing such a service and can tell them much about the past owners and be sure they get ones with the energy they desire.
Often times, these stores have items thrust together that should not be near each other, causing no doubt poor sales and customers who whisk past them quickly. Every one of us is a fledgling and I suspect many of you have entered such an antique shop and just felt rather disturbed in certain sections of it.
The same sensation can happen in your home if you bring new things into the mix and the whole tone of that part of the room changes.
How can a person know if that is the issue?
Note these things:
Is there a part of your house that no one seems to want to sit in, hang out at or you find them avoiding the area all together?
Is there a part of the house that consistently someone seems to cause fights or get emotional? Note if it’s the same spot you argue in every time.
Have you found that there’s a cherished item you loved and now you don’t seem to love it that much any longer?
What do you do?
Backtrack to the last item added or moved in the room. Now, beware because it’s real easy to blame the newly added item and it may not be that it’s causing bad mojo, but like two north pole magnets, it might be repelling with the feel of another item.
Admittedly, as a psychometrist, this is an easy task for me, but for the regular person at home faced with a display of trinkets, this is how you do it on your own:
Stand in front of the display. Close your eyes to not be distracted by visuals. Now, notice how your body and mind feel. Do you feel buzzed? Tight? Sad? Is your mind racing? Anxious? Fuzzy?
Next, take the latest item added to the mix and move it to the opposite side of the display.
Leave the room.
Come back in to approach it anew. Close your eyes, feel what’s going on inside your body and mind. If you feel somewhat more relaxed, leave it. If you still feel a little weird, move the object yet again. Keep doing this, leaving the room each time and reapproaching it until it feels better.
Take note if things have changed, like people are using the area again or family disruptions are no longer occurring there. Periodically come back and feel the area and be sure it feels good.
Just know that all these items can have very good vibes, but some have conflicting vibes, like one might be enthusiastic and peppy and another is relaxing and spiritual. A powerful one can negate a peaceful one and cause anxiety and feelings of unease.
There’s no need to take an item back unless isolating it still causes strange feelings near it. In general, a lot of zen-like pieces with one high energy one eventually brings down the energy level of the peppy item over time. It’s sort of like being in a crowd of whispering people makes the hollering person start to speak more quietly.
I hope this helps. Remember, if you have more issues, just contact me. I’m always around to give advice about the quirky world of objects and their energy.
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