"Timothy" is a 1971 song about 3 men trapped in a mine. Well tonight is "Ghost Adventures" in the Vultures Mines. Could it be more appropriate?
I admit that I got to see this episode early and WOW!! This might be my favorite episode they ever did. Yeah, don't miss it guys, this is actually a really cool investigation and some interesting techniques and just lots of chills.
Same as always, the drinking game tonight includes the rules; you must stay home--no driving. Take a slug for every "bro," "dude," "man" and every time Aaron's mouth drops open in shock. I'm adding one more thing from now on--every time Zak gets touched! My drink choice tonight? I figured since they're hanging out in the mines, maybe something a bit rich like cognac.
Don't forget at 7 pm EST and all evening we have "Lonely on a Friday Night" here. Come and join us, comment back and forth, talk about the show, what you're drinking, any bizarre or weird things you want to bring up, flirt, goof off, joke around. It's an online party, just have fun.
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