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Showing posts from June, 2010

And you wondered if bigfoot existed in the vast northwest...

A tribe of hunter gatherers living in trees in the remote forests of Indonesia's easternmost Papua region has been discovered for the first time by the country's census, an official said on Thursday. The nomadic tribe, called Koroway, numbers about 3,000 people speaking their own language and living off animals and plants in the forest, census officials found during the country's 2010 census survey. "Their houses are in trees, their life is stone age," said Suntono, head of Indonesia's statistics agency for the Papua region, adding the tribe built ladders to huts in tall trees. After receiving reports from missionaries, census officials needed to walk for up to two weeks to find the tribe, after travelling by boat from the nearest permanent villages, but still only reached the fringes of their territory. For the rest of the article, read here .

Ghost Intimacy: Seriously??

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve talked about incubus and succubus and how the human body hits states of arousal during sleep and that's where the demon sex dreams come from, but out of curiosity, I wondered what people were saying about ghost sex and found out the Internet is filled with really bizarre and perverse ghost sex stuff. So much so, I just had to post it cause, you know, I’m weird that way--always curious. Also, I thought it might amuse you. I shit you not, this stuff is what people are saying out there… Found these two entries in the urban dictionary: A daring sexual maneuver where a man and woman begin having sex in the doggy style position. While the man is pleasing his woman, his friend comes out of the closet quietly behind them. The first man acts like he is adjusting while his friend takes his place. Making sure the female is facing the window, the first man runs outside and waves at her while his friend is giving it to her from behind. Guaranteed to make her look like sh...

QUIZ: How Will You Survive the Zombie Onslaught?

It's quiz time again! Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and scroll way down to find out how you will hold up to the zombie onslaught. 1. Given a free night after a hard week, I’d probably want to… a. Stay home and veg-out b. Get in my car and take off with the windows rolled down, music blaring and find the action c. Get caught up on chores so I can be free all weekend. d. Go where the nightlife is, have a few drinks, party 2. One word that typifies the way I tackle my life… a. Stubborn b. Spontaneous c. Responsible d. Creative 3. The most important things to me are… a. My home, my family b. My freedom, my life c. My reasoning, my perseverance d. My future, my present 4. Ideal family pet… a. Dog b. Cat c. Fish d. A menagerie 5. I would rather drive… a. Something with high safety rating and extended warranty b. Sports car—faster the better c. SUV d. Something different every day Okay, you know the drill. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and scroll way down to find out how you would s...

This Week in Horror Movies and Paranormal TV

( *asterisk is next to what I’m watching ) MONDAY: NBC: “Persons Unknown” (show) TUESDAY: Nope. WEDNESDAY: SyFy: Repeats of “Ghost Hunters” and new “Ghost Hunters Academy” Animal Planet: ( if you’re brave ) a marathon of “Monsters Inside Me” ( about parasites in human bodies ) THURSDAY: SyFy: “The Brothers Grimm” (movie) “Enchanted” (movie) FX: “27 Dresses” ( I put this cause I know there are no dudes out there brave enough to sit through this gal-fest--horrifying! ) FRIDAY: *TNT: “Unlawful Entry” (movie) This one is about a cop (Ray Liotta) who gets obsessed with (Kurt Russell) a guy’s wife. A tense thriller and I like it cause, heck, Ray and Kurt are both kinda hot and I have a thing for men with badges… (wink) I know, I know, my sweeties, no more whining, puh-lease. The drought will be over and the much anticipated new show to see—“Fact or Faked” will be on SyFy mid July—just when monsoon season is kicking up. If I’m lucky, I can watch it while it’s thundering outside for extr...

Fangs: Get Your Vampire On!

Yeah, I was wandering around online and one thing led to another and I stumbled onto this site vampfangs and was so fascinated... I knew vampires were "in," as is ghost hunting and werewolves, but this site is seriously hardcore. They have all the different kinds of fangs you can imagine and accessories, as well as a scent line that comes in little coffins with names like "Salem Witch," "Absinthe," "Immortal," "Funeral parlor," and of course "Vampire Musk." There is also body latex...hmm.. There are also home decorations that are spooky. There was all kinds of stuff I've never seen that makes me smile. Honestly, when I want to get my spooky on or my vampire fantasy, I will be back to this site again. In the mean time, I'm probably going to order some scents. They sound great!

You'll Find Me In This Album

**Remember the short story contest is running until July 3rd*** ( **I had put this post in my queue when I read a post by my dear buddy Grim. He just recently put up a post about the albums that are his therapy. So, I pulled this up to add this addendum to it. It made me realize how vital music is to us all. When I go through hard times, music is the one thing that reminds me of who I am when all the bullshit is out of the way and it's just me and music and my body and my voice--it's magically empowering.** ) I have been working out very vigorously 90 minutes every single day of nonstop dancing; hip/hop, rock, club stuff and I never take a day off—no matter what. Why would I do this to myself? Even though a bikini is a good incentive, it's become something much less superficial. I do it to connect to who I really am— me when no one is looking. I turn on music I love and I work it out on my body and sing along sometimes. One album I use every day is Jimmy Eat World “Bleed...

Dale the Doll: Ik-snay on the Talk-Say

The human found my last blog post and I had a little talking to ( oh, and Cindi, she took away my letter opener ). Well, as you can see, she redressed me appropriately and we are on talking terms again ( see the grin on my face? Wonder why? Look where she holds me! It's very soft. ) She has promised that whenever she is thinking of it, she will tell me all her concerns and worries and I will be her listener. She said she trusts me because I won't tell anyone ( hee hee ). So, I am in an important place in her life again and, hell, a pretty good place in her arms when she decides to hold me... What more could a doll ask?

Dale The Doll: The Human Ignores Me!

The human has been ignoring me. I shouldn’t take it as a sign that I did something wrong, perhaps bore her. Perhaps she has moved onto other things? Outgrown me? She left me in the onsie pajamas with the footies. I can hardly seem very manly to her. Not that I want her attention THAT way, but she does seem to be easily distracted by the male species. She must be because whenever she watches “Reign of Fire” she sighs when the two men start fighting and she writes erotica--which she must read out loud. Good God! Of all the indignities I must endure! I'd rather hear her scary horror writing. She used to look at me occasionally or come by and move me around to reposition me ( I appreciated that, I get cramped up in the same position ). I do not need love, you understand. I simply need an occasional show of appreciation for being a companion. I get so bored, I've taken to watching TV when she is out. What is the human preoccupation with "reality" TV? What reality do th...

My Etsy Shop Opens: Holy Shit!

Well, I did mention recently that I would give ya’all a warning that the shop is opening on Etsy. This is the only time you will hear me gabbing about my Etsy shop because, well, honestly I want my blog to be my blog about Ghost Hunting Theories and most of all a fantastic place for posting comments— I think our comments are more interesting than my damn posts which says my followers are one step ahead of me! Upon occasion, I may make a tiny blurb about what just went into the shop for you just so you can know about the ghost-related/haunted items going up. So, here’s the story about my “AutumnForest Haunted” Etsy Shop. It opens tomorrow Saturday the 26th at 11 am EST. I have 4 clocks and 1 necklace to start. Believe me, the clocks will be the predominant item in my shop because the power that comes off these babies is exquisite and I get to use more “ * haunted” items. I also hope to do more jewelry like the necklace that is featured in which powerful items are combined in a charm li...

Quiz: What kind of Ghostly Encounter Should You Have?

It’s quiz time again my sweeties! You know the routine by now. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s, find out which one you have the most of and scroll down to find out what sort of ghost would be best for you to encounter. 1. In bed, I prefer to… a. Have sex b. Get a good night’s sleep c. Watch TV d. Get caught up with my loved one on the day’s events 2. A sexy movie to me… a. Shows it all b. Is subtle and more evocative. c. Has a little of everything from suspense to action to sex d. Has romantic dialogue and intelligent interactions, substance 3. I prefer to watch sports that involve a. opponents meeting body to body like football and wrestling b. Soothing and repetitive and rhythmic like tennis c. Fast action like basketball d. Artistic skill such as ice skating/gymnastics 4. My favorite foods group below… a. Mangos/strawberries/kiwi b. Chips/French fries c. Spicy Asian/Mexican/Curry d. Beer/chocolate 5. Biggest thrill in high school… a. First time going all the way b. Hanging out with...

Conquering the Ice Cave

* You ever want to know what I do on a day off mid week? Ginny my ghost hunting pal and I spend the day together. We began with a nice lunch out whereupon we start laughing over our conversation so loudly people wish they could join our table (or leave the room). When I say I truly don't need to drink to be drunk--yeah, it's true. I'm pretty much a goofball all the time. I sat with a pen and a pad of paper writing down notes. What, you ask could be so funny? Since I find humor in absolutely EVERYTHING, we began the conversation innocently enough. We both know a woman who thinks she is a princess and has no human emotions and sees herself as above the masses. This nasty little ice princess inspired a horror flash short story. This is what you are about to read. Once done with your fun little lunch, we came home and typed up this little story for your pleasure. It was inspired by our imagings of what the woman's husband must go through to do his conjugal visits .* I awake...

Q&A (No, Not T&A)!

(*remember the short story contest is going on until July 3rd!*) First off, I want to tell you (proudly) I survived my last class in bellydancing. Although I'm not keen on the music, I did really appreciate learning how isolate body parts and put some wicked moves into my club dancing. I did, however, manage to come up with two new moves the "Train Wreck" and the "Ralph Macchio Wax On/Wax Off" move. Both unintentional, mind you, but I did say I'm all arms and legs like a praying mantis. It's pretty funny. I did manage to get through 2 hours of doing the entire dance repeatedly until we all wanted to vomit . It's time for me to let ya'all give me your questions. Consider this "truth or dare," but without the dare--that's for something we do in person, although in the future, I might take dares and videotape them and put them on, but we'll see... Ya'all are too creative and deviant-- I might be getting myself into trouble--mo...

Take it or Leave It, I'm here to stay (How to cope with people's perceptions about ghost hunting)

I’ve had this conversation a hundred times with different people, each one adding something new to the array of reactions folks have about ghosts, ghost hunting, and the paranormal. When I first started ghost hunting, I was so excited I was finally doing something active about the questions rattling in my head about things I’ve witnessed in my lifetime, that I entered the " eager to tell people I’m a ghost hunter " phase. The reactions were always quite similar (this was pre-“Ghost Hunters” show era). They would stare blankly, blink a few times, mouth usually open, and then make that little humming sound in their throats as they tried to think of a polite way to say, “ did I hear you right? " Disheartened by initial reactions, I tucked that bit of myself away and didn’t share it with anyone but my closest friends and family. I continued my search and then hit the " outrage/rebellion " phase. I’ve supported all of these people on paths that I thought were comple...

The Tao of the Paranormal Investigators

The wise television paranormal investigators gave me all the wonderful humor for my LAUGH series (righthand side of the blog). They also leave us with some precious rules for living, some guidelines to finding our bliss, and a method by which we will attain a higher level of understanding. We are wiser by their example. The Tao of Jason Hawes: “Commit yourself not to commit” ( i.e., be noncommittally committed ) The Tao of Grant Wilson: “Life is baffling” ( so remain perpetually perplexed ) The Tao of Steve Gonsalves: “Explain things slowly” ( and you will penetrate deep skulls, i.e. Tango’s ) The Tao of Josh Gates: “Life has many paths” ( by which you can take a plane, boat, automobile, bicycle, donkey, moped, paraglider, ATV, jeep, bus, train, jet pack… ) The Tao of Ryan Buell: “Evil is all around us” ( after gestating in our minds first ) The Tao of Barry Klinge: “Go at it with both barrels” ( and 8 recording devices, 10 videocameras, 4 motion detectors, 6 digital cameras, 5 EMF m...

Should I Change My Name Legally???

Poll: Ya'all know me as Autumnforest, but when I used to model, my name was Gina Hana. At that time, I went to the courthouse and got the paperwork and was going to change my name to Autumn Forest Day but my mom had a huge fit because her and dad named the 5 kids all with "s's;" Stanley, Stena, Sue, Scott, and Sharon. So, I've been thinking about it and I've never identified myself with my real name, so why not go with the name I actually answer to? The question I become Autumn Forest Day? I'd love to get feedback. I feel like it's who I'm supposed to be, but it will definitely piss off immediate family and confuse friends for a time to get used to calling me Autumn. ( *the next post will be 6 am EST tomorrow about how to deal with folks when you confess you hunt ghosts )

This Week In Horror Movies and Paranormal TV

(**Remember the short story contest is still going on until July 3rd**) *Asterisk is next to what I plan to watch … I know, still slim pickings, but let me tell ya’all, I am excited about mid July— why??? Shows are coming back and a new one is arriving! I’m very excited about SyFy’s “Fact or Faked” show. Jeez, is there a blog that should be watching this more than mine? They are going to test all kinds of paranormal supposed captured evidence and figure out if it can be faked and if it might be real. Seeing them do some hardcore hands-on debunking makes me terribly envious! I will warn you when it’s coming on with lots of fanfare. If it’s good enough, it might even get its own drinking game like “Destination Truth” and “Ghost Adventures” do! MONDAY: *NBC: “Persons Unknown” (show) I’ll tell ya’all the truth. I watched the episodes of it so far and I’m having trouble being hooked. With “Harper’s Island” I saw one episode and that was it—I was hooked. But this show…I can’t seem to get...

Pre-Hunt Rituals

( **I am still working on my highly erotic dark anthology series "Philia." I did complete the story of sex in a graveyard or "taphophilia" (lover of graveyards) and I just now completed "coulrophilia" (lover of clowns). Last time, I offered to let folks read the sex in a cemetery story if they emailed me--much too explicit for Blogger. I got a great response from the males which was helpful as the cemetery one was a male point of view. The clown sex one is a male point of view also. If anyone--male or female--wants to read it, email me and I will send you a copy. I am eager to see if my dark sex series is something folks can get into and if the male perspective in these is true to form. I also will be doing ones on sex with a ghost, werewolf and vampire and any other weird dark forbidden stuff I can conjure up in my thick head. Thanks!** ) I never thought much about what I do before a hunt. To me it makes logical sense, but it's c...

Leave Your Ghost Hunting Equipment at Home!

Admittedly, my ghost hunting kit includes everything from camcorder and digital camera to voice recorder, EMF meter, KII meter, pendulum, dowsing rods, thermometer, and other strange and unusual items I've come up with along the way, even a windchime! Still, I really enjoying just putting it all away and ghost hunting without tools. I learn more those hours than hours of yanking out tool after tool and chasing things around a site to “capture it," and then missing it as I'm busy being completely distracted. Try driving a car and talking on a cell phone while changing the radio station and see if you do any of those three things well... You can so easily miss critical and subtle changes around you. Women know this one. When you chase men, you can’t find a good one. The moment you’re in a happy relationship, men start to come to you. Well, ghosts are kinda the same way… Ghost hunt without tools? How do you get evidence? Consider this: Any film I take, any EVPs I capture, and...

QUIZ: What Horror Movie Best Represents Your Life?

It’s your favorite--quiz time. Today’s quiz is one of my fav’s…"what horror movie represents your life." I won’t even begin to answer why this one popped into my mind, but enjoy the ride. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and then scroll way way down and find out! 1. In the work arena, I generally feel… a. Invisible, ignored, a drone b. The go-to-guy putting out all the fires c. Never recognized for all I do d. Caught in drama and misunderstandings all the time 2. Physically, I think I’m… a. Always too fat, too short, too weird looking, not normal b. Tired, wrung out, overextended c. Work out hard and not getting anywhere with my physique d. Hair falls flat on my way out the door, stain on my shirt, watch breaks… 3. In a group of friends at a bar, I’m likely to be the one… a. Quiet and not picked up on by anyone b. The designated driver, keep my friends from doing stupid shit c. I talk to someone and think I’m charming but it goes nowhere d. Get drunk, do something stupid, lea...

Take your Dog to Work: Dogs on Ghost Hunts

( **Remember there is a zombie short story contest until July 3rd...** ) I was thrilled to see “Ghost Hunters International” using a dog on one of their expeditions, albeit short-lived. I’ve always felt that there’s a very reasonable and practical place for dogs on ghost hunts. Humans can miss the signs of activity, dogs don’t. When I lived in California, the neighborhood dogs were our first warning before an earthquake. When I was pregnant, my head in the toilet in the morning in October 1987 when we were about to get a 6.0, it was the neighborhood dogs howling and barking incessantly that made the hairs rise on my neck. I crawled to my “safe spot” in the crappy old second-story apartment just in time. They didn’t steer me wrong. Each time an aftershock came, they let me know with their cacophony of yipping. When I was done with checking the apartment building's gas main and the neighbors' safety, I went and gave the dogs over the fence some hot dog bits. When I was growing u...

What the Hell Made You That Way?

Yeah, that's me--fifth grade, Green Acres Elementary School, Fairfax, Virginia Yeah, that's actually my sixth grade class going on a field trip to my house (gulp) So, what makes us the way we are, huh? The older I get, the more apparent it is that you are a culmination of the path you took and how you interpreted the events in your life for good or bad. I was the baby of the family, so you can guess I was used to whining to get what I want, feeling as if I have no power, and always having older siblings push me away, so I was the much younger odd woman out. Then, I grew up in a spooky mansion on the hill in the middle of suburban tract homes. Another odd woman out. Do you think that made me the fun kid to hang out with? Not necessarily. See that fifth grade picture? I was calling every girl in my class and the other classes on a Friday night for a sleepover. Were there any takers? Nope! They saw the show about the ghosts in our house on NBC, they read the newspaper articles ab...

How to Contribute to Ghost Hunting in Any Capacity

( **Remember, there is a short story contest going on until July 3rd on my blog** ) Anyone can contribute to the ghost hunting field and you don’t have to be wandering around abandoned buildings with a team and equipment to do it. My sister is a good example of ways you can help ghost hunting without having to be a field person. My sister isn’t willing to buy any ghost hunting equipment and absolutely refuses to use a new-fangled computer, but she lives in an amazingly rich area of abandoned buildings and dramatic history in West Virginia. There are no local ghost hunting teams, so no one has scared off local businesses who have historic buildings. She would have a great pick for any place to hunt, but she’s going to forgo that avenue. So, here’s some alternative options she (or you) could consider that in the end could even make her money: A. If she loves cemeteries, she should volunteer to the cemetery association. They could give her a list of cemeteries that haven’t been documente...

Your Funeral is Your Last Party on Earth Nick Swardson - Funeral Futurama New Episodes Ugly Americans Funny TV Comedy Blog This is one of my favorite stand-up skits by Nick Swardson. I'm totally with him on this idea!

QUIZ: How Long Would You Survive In a Horror Movie?

It’s quiz time again! Today’s quiz was inspired by a conversation between me and “SeekTheSun” ( ya’all know her as my partner in crime ghost hunter and best buddy and bellydancing co-torture sufferer ). We discussed how long I would survive in a horror movie and after we were done laughing our asses off, we realized— it’s a quiz! So, count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and see how long you’d survive a horror movie scenario… 1. I’m in a room full of professions who intimidate me, I… a. Compliment them profusely, kiss ass b. Have a few drinks to loosen up c. Offer to help out, even pro bono just so I can be part of a project d. Remain professional, don’t reveal much, leave having had a superficial encounter 2. An ideal partner would be… a. Really hot and gorgeous on my arm b. Sexually wild and horny c. Loyal, putting me first d. Responsible, action-oriented 3. My favorite weather… a. Sunny, 80, low humidity b. Thunderstorms c. Blizzard d. All in one day; cold night, wet mor...