It’s quiz time again my sweeties! You know the routine by now. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s, find out which one you have the most of and scroll down to find out what sort of ghost would be best for you to encounter.
1. In bed, I prefer to…
a. Have sex
b. Get a good night’s sleep
c. Watch TV
d. Get caught up with my loved one on the day’s events
2. A sexy movie to me…
a. Shows it all
b. Is subtle and more evocative.
c. Has a little of everything from suspense to action to sex
d. Has romantic dialogue and intelligent interactions, substance
3. I prefer to watch sports that involve
a. opponents meeting body to body like football and wrestling
b. Soothing and repetitive and rhythmic like tennis
c. Fast action like basketball
d. Artistic skill such as ice skating/gymnastics
4. My favorite foods group below…
a. Mangos/strawberries/kiwi
b. Chips/French fries
c. Spicy Asian/Mexican/Curry
d. Beer/chocolate
5. Biggest thrill in high school…
a. First time going all the way
b. Hanging out with friends at the usual places
c. Getting into trouble, lots of exploits
d. Winning awards
Okay, count your a’s, b’s, c’s, and d’s and find out which one you have the most of, scroll down and find out what kind of ghost would be best for you to encounter…
a. Incubus/Succubus
b. Residual/Repetitive loop
c. Poltergeist
d. Intelligent haunting
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