The human has been ignoring me. I shouldn’t take it as a sign that I did something wrong, perhaps bore her. Perhaps she has moved onto other things? Outgrown me? She left me in the onsie pajamas with the footies. I can hardly seem very manly to her. Not that I want her attention THAT way, but she does seem to be easily distracted by the male species. She must be because whenever she watches “Reign of Fire” she sighs when the two men start fighting and she writes erotica--which she must read out loud. Good God! Of all the indignities I must endure! I'd rather hear her scary horror writing.
She used to look at me occasionally or come by and move me around to reposition me (I appreciated that, I get cramped up in the same position).
I do not need love, you understand. I simply need an occasional show of appreciation for being a companion.
I get so bored, I've taken to watching TV when she is out. What is the human preoccupation with "reality" TV? What reality do these artificially rigged people live in?
You know, I blame it on her lack of fear of me. She has not been unsettled by me since the beginning. When she picked me up in the antique store, her blasted psychic hands told all of my history and she felt, gulp, sad for me.
I am too proud to live with her pity, so I have done my best to make her uncomfortable. Still, she will forgive me anything. That is her nature.
Why did I have to get a tender-hearted horror-loving female as a caretaker?
I think I need a new tactic. I would really like your advice. How can I get her to pay attention to me again? Please leave comments. I will read them and respond in the comments!
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