It's quiz time again! Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and scroll way down to find out how you will hold up to the zombie onslaught.
1. Given a free night after a hard week, I’d probably want to…
a. Stay home and veg-out
b. Get in my car and take off with the windows rolled down, music blaring and find the action
c. Get caught up on chores so I can be free all weekend.
d. Go where the nightlife is, have a few drinks, party
2. One word that typifies the way I tackle my life…
a. Stubborn
b. Spontaneous
c. Responsible
d. Creative
3. The most important things to me are…
a. My home, my family
b. My freedom, my life
c. My reasoning, my perseverance
d. My future, my present
4. Ideal family pet…
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Fish
d. A menagerie
5. I would rather drive…
a. Something with high safety rating and extended warranty
b. Sports car—faster the better
c. SUV
d. Something different every day
Okay, you know the drill. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and scroll way down to find out how you would survive a zombie onslaught…
a. I will reinforce my house and hunker down
b. I will get in my car with my loved ones and take off
c. I will take family and friends to a store with lots of supplies and wall ourselves in for the long haul
d. I will get family and friends and seal off the stairwells in the first floor of a high rise and claim the rest of the stories to live in.
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