The wise television paranormal investigators gave me all the wonderful humor for my LAUGH series (righthand side of the blog). They also leave us with some precious rules for living, some guidelines to finding our bliss, and a method by which we will attain a higher level of understanding. We are wiser by their example.
The Tao of Jason Hawes:
“Commit yourself not to commit” (i.e., be noncommittally committed)
The Tao of Grant Wilson:
“Life is baffling” (so remain perpetually perplexed)
The Tao of Steve Gonsalves:
“Explain things slowly” (and you will penetrate deep skulls, i.e. Tango’s)
The Tao of Josh Gates:
“Life has many paths” (by which you can take a plane, boat, automobile, bicycle, donkey, moped, paraglider, ATV, jeep, bus, train, jet pack…)
The Tao of Ryan Buell:
“Evil is all around us” (after gestating in our minds first)
The Tao of Barry Klinge:
“Go at it with both barrels” (and 8 recording devices, 10 videocameras, 4 motion detectors, 6 digital cameras, 5 EMF meters, 7 thermometers, 4 KII meters…)
The Tao of Zak Bagans:
“Enter the room screaming” (leave the room screaming like a girl)
Now, it's your turn, ya'all. Give me the tao of Kris Williams from "Ghost Hunters"
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