You know that beautiful lover, has all the elements from symmetry to grace, charm to attraction, and then you climb into bed and it all goes, well, unsatisfying ? Yeah, it's kinda like that. I waited a long time for this movie to come out on DVD. See the trailer? Cool premise, huh? It had tiny itty bitty moments of true chills and excitement and then it just never came to fruition. It was horribly written, amateur acting, very little sound effects or audio suspense. Even the director seemed confused by what he was making. It begins with a main character possessed to build this machine, but you have no sense of his passion. You only see him working day and night, but no emotion about it whatsoever and you don't know his motivation until the movie is almost over. It fell super flat! The concept was great, and I could see the potential for so many seriously emotionally moving moments and super terror, but between the poor directing, acting, and writing, I didn't feel the lea...