So, Julie and I did the photo shoot for our book "Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse" in 114 degree heat with humidity. After nearly passing out and losing my breakfast, I rehydrated in the car with the air conditioning on and we took off for the resort for a 2-night stay and a working vacation. We went over the photos and content of the book and sent off the proposal while going over the edit for our "Kickin Up Dust! (Getting Lost To Find Ourselves)" book. We did manage some fun times (as you probably noticed in Friday's "Drunk Ghost Story" video).
There is a post going up tomorrow morning asking for zombie craftspeople to come forward. We are hoping to promote zombie products in the book. The book will also include drink mix recipes by Liz the martini-swilling housewife and housekeeping tips like how to get blood out of clothing by Stella the perfect June Cleaver housewife. There will be lots of pics of the zombie women in their 1950s post-apocalyptic zombie housewife roles and lots of enjoyable fun. Wish us luck. It started out as a zombie shoot for the Blogger Virtual Zombie Walk (see button on the left) and it turned out to be a book!

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