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Showing posts from January, 2017

Nighttime Security Guards Having Paranormal Encounters

Is there more paranormal activity at night or is it simply that with buildings devoid of workers, lights turned down, and machinery turned off, apparitions and voices, movement, and footsteps can be perceived that might have been there all day without notice. The first line of witnesses for the paranormal on a nightly basis are people who live in haunted houses and those who walk the grounds at night looking to the night sky when others are asleep. Security guards witness a lot of weirdness. Today, I'm going to share just some of it in this post -  Here's a few videos to start -  The video above makes no sense to me. So, a light showed that this guard could not see? It looks pretty obvious there is a cart next to the "ghost" and my guess is cleaning crew. Who is the person who took this video? Don't have a clue. I don't consider this one valid in considering evidence, but a critical eye is important. In 1984 at the Indian Point Nuclear Reactor Complex on the...

What We Didn't Know About Mankind Is Being Revealed

Denisovans bracelet 40,000 years old We thought we knew about man's history and we focused all our attention on the "missing link," but modern technology and new finds have revealed that we had no idea how our past history played out and that even today we carry the DNA of other forms of man who were ahead of us in technology and intelligence. Lately, more and more information is being released to the public, as if trying to prepare us for some greater truth that we need to be fed in pieces to accept. Neanderthals Were Smarter Than We Thought 1960s portrayal of Neanderthal present-day portrayal of Neanderthal We knew that Neanderthals had a bigger cranial capacity than Homo sapiens, but the general assumption presented by educational institutions and anthropologists was that they were some kind of troglodyte-type quintessential caveman. ( LINK )  Evidence from multiple sites in Europe suggests that Neanderthals hunted as a group, using the landscape to aid them. Neanderth...

Black-Eyed Children-Themed Art Projects

This fun project (above) was very cheap to make and yet had a very creepy effect.  It cost about $45 for this 30 x 44 inch large mirror that looks old and worn and has semi-translucent black-eyed children peering out. It is just one of many projects you can do to represent the unsettling black-eyed children legends. Here's three videos I did on how to make the ghost mirror and also written instructions below -  SUPPLIES One 30 x 44 inch glass picture frame from Goodwill only 24.99 2 cans of looking glass spray paint by Krylon 1 container black acrylic paint 1 container crackle medium 1 container ivory paint printer paper Print life-sized photos of Victorian kids in black and white (eyes blacked out with stamp tool and old photo/film effect to look crackled) Cut them out, glue with mod podge glue them to glass. Wet your fingers and rub some of the paper away from the ink along the edges to soften the "cut-out" effect and allow some mirror paint to show through. Spray th...

Horror Movies That Changed the Genre!

There are so many horror movies in the genre and so many decades they span, but every now and then one emerges that forever changes a genre and starts copycats and similar themes. Here are some of my favs that influenced the genre- "Halloween"   Budget is not everything   A good soundtrack and suspense and you can film anywhere for any cost, even trying to pass off LA as Illinois in autumn with a few dead leaves and a high power fan. Other movies have worked with these elements to try and perfect the cheaply made eerie feel, but it was a mixture of timing and talent that made John Carpenter the king of this particular advancement in the horror industry. Since that time, movies like "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity" are examples of the low-budget movie, but their success wasn't from a bunch of eager teens wanting to go see horror movies in the late 70s audience that Carpenter attracted. Instead, they used the internet to hype up their ...

Amazingly Embalmed and Preserved Bodies

Rosalia Lombardo, born in 1918 in Palermo, Italy only made it to the age of two, died of pneumonia in an era without antibiotics and tragic losses such as this were common. Her father, in his immense grief, approached an embalmer for help in preserving his little girl forever. The embalmer used methods that were unknown, but the results were so stunning that, to this day, her body is just magically alive looking. Hers was one of the last bodies added to the Capuchin Catacombs.  It wasn't until recently that the embalmer's formula was found on handwritten paper -  Salafia injected the cadaver with a fluid made of formalin to kill bacteria, alcohol to dry the body, glycerin to keep her from overdrying, salicylic acid to kill fungi, and zinc salts to give her body rigidity. Accordingly, the formula's composition is "one part glycerin, one part formalin saturated with both zinc sulfate and chloride, and one part of an alcohol solution saturated with salicylic acid."...

Dashboard Cam Paranormal Finds!

There are a lot of witnesses, especially the police force, that utilize dashboard cameras. If drivers can often witness amazing things with no camera to capture the event, imagine what happens when a camera is present. Here's some unexplainable and puzzling dashboard cam finds -  These odd dog-like, marsupial-like, hairless creatures have been called chupacabras (cryptic creature) and seen around the Texas region mostly. What was this running along the road with oddly proportioned limbs and snout? We still don't know. Did this police officer have a ghost cross is path? Well, it sure looked bizarre. Here, a Russian driver found a supposed ghost bride. As much as this video above had baffled viewers, it was later found that the person drove into the chainlink fence, lifting it up enough to slink under it and have it snap back into place. Right around the 40 second mark - what is that crossing the road from the left to the right, past the guardrail? Well, it baffled these two off...

Signs of Prior Civilizations in Antarctica?

Piris Reis Map   (said to reveal the land mass of Antarctica in 1513 by an explorer) We contemplate what Antarctica would be like if it were exposed and bare. Was there ever a civilization there? Well, at one time it was believed to be, like all the other continents, part of a giant continent referred to as Pangaea. Millions of years ago, it broke off into the land masses we now recognize around the world. So, what was the climate like when Antarctica was perhaps midway to its final location? It surely had the same dinosaurs and large creatures that we note on all the continents today, but for a time did it have man living upon it, perhaps before it became densely iced over?  ( LINK ) Did NASA images of Antarctica reveal a potential ancient civilization buried under 2.3 km of ice? A look at the images on the right certainly do not look natural, but almost like the base of pyramids. ( LINK ) Some believe there are pyramids in Antarctica. Scientists claim it happens naturally wi...

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: A Hand in Everything

This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting. Link to the series Journal Volume 3 Field Report #43 Friday, October 21, 2016 I arrived at the park around 9:10 AM. The temperatures was a cool 63 with a clear, blue sky. It was an awesome day. The recent weather had been close to 90; crazy for this time of year. That weekend the weather was cool and outstanding.  I rode my bike that day. I did the close trail and then onto the main trail for the long ride with observations. My plan was to ride to the far end of the trail then on the way back stop at the P.R.O.W. and observe any changes from the previous visit. I would then bike back to the car and load up for site 1B. I left for the close ride at 9:20 AM and was back to my car by 9:28 AM. I then geared up for the ride to the far end of the trail and the P.R.O.W. stop on the return leg of the ride. At 9:37 AM left for t...