In 1735, it was the first mention of a cryptid being that was evil, scary, and otherworldly looking. This being came to be referred to as the Jersey Devil and thought to inhabit the pine barrens of the State of New Jersey in the eastern US. Legend The legend begins hundreds of years ago with a woman called "Mother Leeds" who was said to have been a mistress to a British soldier and a witch. The combination of shame, the enemy and witchery makes this legendary woman the trifecta embodiment of all things evil. It was said her 13th child she cursed and it was born a devilish demon that began to terrorize the region and still does to this day. SOURCE LINK : According to, Joseph Bonaparte, elder brother of Napoleon, is also claimed to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Borden town estate around 1820. The story follows as: "One snowy afternoon, [Joseph Bonaparte] was hunting alone in the woods near his house when he spotted some strange ...