Ainu man These tribe members (above) were found in the 1800s in Nevada. Those who photographed them were not sure who these wild folks were. Obviously, the facial hair is rather odd, as well as the features to be any Native tribe we know of in America. They do, however, have the facial hair, features, and even the "paper hats" style head coverings that the Ainu had. Is there evidence other people have been in the Americas perhaps before the Amerindian people's arrival? Yes. Penon woman was found in Mexico and dates back 13,000 years ago. The problem is, she had a long Caucasian face and appears to show no indicators she is from the same region as the future Native Americans. In fact, she is compared with Australian aborigine/Polynesian/South Pacific origins. The mound people, the giants spoken of by the Native People, the coastal indians with Polynesian head shapes, Penon woman, and this obscure tribe in Nevada (above) show definite signs that we have had many ...