Easter Island in the South Pacific is an ongoing mystery to many. What happened to the Rapa Nui people? Did they get visitors or were they visitors themselves? Why did they construct these enormous Moai statues or did they? What's with this supposed battle researchers claim occurred there between two groups? It's believed the Rapa Nui settled the islands around 1200 AD. The first recorded contact with outsiders that was officially noted was in 1722, but in 1770, the Spanish arrived and claimed it as their own. They brought with them syphilis and other diseases the people had no immunity to. Moai statues were supposedly created by the Rapa Nui around 1200 CE (AD) and supposedly carved to represent their ancestors, but this was disputed by other researchers who say the Rapa Nui were the second migration to Easter Island. Legends say the long-earred ones (white skinned, red-haired, elongated earlobes) were first migration...