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Showing posts from September, 2014

The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Adding Complexities

Links to previous installments: Episode 1  - 'What is Urban Sasquatch?" Episode 2  "The Original Experiments" Episode 3 : "The Urban Study Begins" Episode 4 : "Signatures and Signs " Episode 5:   "Mixing It Up" Episode 6:  "Neglected and Discouraged" NOTE:  Green highlighter is done on the items that were moved between visits. The primary research areas in the urban location are these, although the research intends to branch out to some other periphery locales over time. Area #1 = the ditch, grassy right-of-way with trail entry opening and the cedar tree break. Area #2 = pipeline right-of-way / P-ROW. Using the bike/hike trail is just the way to get to the P-ROW. This area includes the east side trail entry with large limbs signature stack and the nearby 3 tree breaks location.This is 2 miles east of area #1. June 28, 2014 I took off 27 days from the study. I enjoyed a 16-day vacation that was much needed and I came back ren...

Odds and Ends in Sasquatch Arena

A movie called " Exists " coming out in late October reports its plot line as; "A group of friends who venture into the remote Texas woods for a party weekend find themselves stalked by Bigfoot." Another "monster" movie. So far, "Letters From the Big Man" tops my charts.  On a scientific front, this flower caught my interest.  The Diphylleia grayi.  Interestingly, on the health front (something I love to study), it has great components of lingnans that can help with tumor reduction, but besides that - notice the petals; they turn translucent when wet. See how they absorb colors behind them and light and moisture?  Don't know if it can be extrapolated to that, but there are adaptive things by creatures and plants that need to survive and it might be that the translucency of Sasquatchs' hairs helps them.  In videos, it shows that in light, Sasquatch become light - that makes them hard to see. If I were naked in the woods, my flesh would loo...

Amazing Unexplainable Find!

This hammer found in rock was discovered when cracking open the rock when the finders, a husband and wife in Texas in the 1930s, found the wood sticking out of a rock. The iron is almost pure and had to be done by modern methods and yet the rock is 400 million years old and the hammer was aged at 500 million years.  There are many more finds like this that are out of time/out of place and are set aside by researchers as absurd. There is one way to explain such things. There were other civilizations, many of them, for many millions of years upon the earth. Learn more here

Epic Halloween Pranks

Do Human Souls Have a Purpose?

A sense of purpose . It's vital to us mortals to have a sense of purpose, a driving force, because we think of life in reference to physicality and needs; procuring food, shelter, mating, health, and social support. We answer to clocks and calendars, time lines and commitments. We tally off the to-do list as we move along. And, upon occasion some hidden aspect of ourselves asks, "what is my purpose here? It's certainly not to pay bills or sit in traffic, I hope."   Sometimes we try to tap that higher purpose, but then this physical realm rears its ugly head again to awaken us from the spiritual and remind us of the practical.  It's hard to pay attention to spirit when we meditate because the very "real life" issues interrupt our meditative thoughts .  We lay back and practice controlled breathing only to become aware of our aches, pains and deep bone-grating exhaustion.  If we go on vacation and enjoy a completely carefree time, we know we must go back t...

Making Spooky Photographs

Scary is easy to find. It presents itself with light and dark, odd angles, and looming images taken from below. A nest of bare branches becomes something sinister - a portal to the macabre.  A dead tree and a storm sky takes on an ominous tone -  Touring an abandoned prison, walked up the stairs and as I was climbing them, I stopped and took a picture of the window, but at an angle, making it disorienting.  Arms stuck up in the air in a corn field after the sunset. Tells a story of terror after dark in the corn rows. A corn maze with the bright spotlight, casting a shadow.  Nightvision makes everything creepy and turns regular people into zombies. Abandoned place - a single chair. Tells a bleak story. Dinosaur park with sky behind and tree - looks like real Jurassic. The road going into some barren woods - makes you wonder what's around the bend.... Move around while taking a photo and you have a ghost -  Dark sky and a silhouette of a steeple, leaves you with a...