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Showing posts from August, 2014

Patterson Full-Length Film: Priceless

Lots of people don't believe this is authentic, but thanks to the work of astrophotograper and film/video expert, MK Davis, the first to stabilize the actual film and elucidate great details with amazing clarity, it's hard to refute the reality of this film, the proportions and details. What is questionable is what happened to the beginning of the reel of film and the ending. On an interview for Monsterquest, Bob Gimlin said that Roger Patterson ran out of film while filming Patty. That's all well and good, but Patterson didn't start filming her at the end of a roll. What was at the beginning? And, why don't we see the actual film roll end? Why cut it neatly at the beginning at the bolting of the horse when surely the camera was on before it bolted? Every frame of Patty that was captured was a precious moment in time, including before and after she was on film.  This is part of what has made the legitimacy of the film questionable all these decades. When people put ...

How To Make a Haunted Mirror

(Eleanor, Edward and Emily) I wanted to create a mirror that had an image that looked ghostly looking back, but honestly every adult image I found was rather boring, even old Victorian Era pictures, so I came across a photo of three Victorian kids that unsettled me.  That made me think about the black-eyed children phenomena, and I realized - wow, this would really unsettle!  I put it in photoshop and did a crackled aging effect and then took and did a stamp of the dark area on the boy's bow and stamped their eyes out. I bought a large glass framed ugly picture at a secondhand store. It was like 25 dollars and 30 inches by 40. I removed the ugly picture.  I printed out the kids on regular printer paper in black and white and cut out their outlines. Taking Mod Podge glue (or you can do Elmers and water combined for decoupage mix), I glued the kiddies to the bottom of the mirror, face against the glass. I wanted to hang the mirror at a height that made them appear as if the...

Most Amazing Cave Photographs Ever!

Caves aren't just dark holes in the ground, they are wonderlands showing a raw geology, caverns, voids, ice, stalagmites, waterfalls, amazing creatures and more. What bits of sunlight enter them, create a view to a pure clean slice of heaven! What's lurking inside? Let's take a look -  What does your imagination insert?  What kinds of movies might inspire the dark side of caves?

Vlog Friday: Dreams

The stages of sleep make for some of the most eventful times of our entire day. I don't care how busy you are awake, when you're asleep, you're putting in double time.  The phase of first phase of sleep (alpha state) occurs as you are drifting off and when you first wake up are a lot like the feelings of hypnosis, body is afloat, mind is not engaged on analytical thinking, you simply exist. This is a key time for slipping in and out of the body in out of body experiences/astral projection and also visitation from the dead. If awakened in this phase, you may feel like you didn't sleep and your body might also jerk as if you are falling. This lasts perhaps 5-10 minutes. The second phase of sleep, your muscles contract and relax repeatedly throughout, the heart rate slows, the temperature drops. The body at this point is preparing for deeper sleep, going into almost a hibernation physiology. The third and fourth stages take you into the deeper realms. Three is deep, but fo...

Abandoned Victorian Houses

If you are into Victorians, the abandoned ones are true treasures of creepiness, great bygone days, and for some of us who imagine fixing them up, a real beautiful challenge!

Gourmet: Eat Like a Sasquatch

We utilize farmer's markets to get freshly grown items to enhance our cooking experience, but many chefs find items grown in the wild to be exotic local tastes to add to their dishes. They consider it a natural enhancement, but the woodlands really were the first growing sources for food.  If you ever worried about Sasquatch's diet, consider this - they live in a wonderland of fab foods! Let's just take some of the things they work with and consider the gourmet properties, medicinal, and nutritional benefits.  Wild Boar:  (1 pound of raw meat) 544 calories, 262 mg of cholesterol, 96 grams of protein Deer: (1 pound raw):  336 calories, 80 mg of cholesterol, 96 grams of protein Catfish:  (1 raw fillet) 215 calories, 75 mg of cholesterol, 25 grams of protein Fresh water mussels:   (3 ounces) 70 calories, great source of vitamin B12. Now, let's wonder into the Sasquatch produce aisle, shall we?  Juniper Berries Juniper berries grow on juniper shrubs in th...