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Showing posts from May, 2014

Bestiality and Aliens In Very Ancient Cave Art?

Source:  As one of only a handful of Australian sites that has been reliably dated to beyond 45,000 years, Nawarla Gabarnmang is a significant and increasingly well-known site, both in Australia and internationally. Excavations at this site, which began in 2010, have brought to light some of the oldest currently known evidence for ground edge axe technology (Geneste et al. 2010) and pigment use specifically for art (David et al. 2013).. However, the compelling archaeological stories being told below the ground are equally matched by those above it. The visually stunning nature of this shelter, which is quite literally covered in rock art, rivals some of the best known rock art sites in the world. The Wandjinas to the aborigines were the rain and cloud spirits. Look a lot like alien greys, eh?  They were painted near water holes, no doubt to attract more water in the dought-stricken areas of Australia. They do look strangely like the alien greys and it makes you wond...

Tragic and Odd Mummies From Around the World

Bog Mummy Bog mummies have been found around the world. Bogs seem to create the ideal conditions to preserve bodies.  Here's some interesting listings of bog bodies found around the world under unusual circumstances.   ARGENTINA Juanita "La Doncella" She was believed to be sacrificed 500 years ago in a ceremony for the corn festival with other children who were found within a volcano in 1999. EGYPT Antjou (Egyptian mummy) This mummy was thought to be a wealthy landowner. Yeah, those red-haired mummies show up again - even in Egypt.   Source:  Racially speaking, the inhabitants of Egypt  at this period in time were separated into three groups. Skeletal evidence from grave sites show that the original  White Mediterraneans and Proto-Nordics were in a majority  in the area.  A well preserved body found in a sand grave in  Egypt dating from approx 3000 BC is on display in the British Museum in London with the nickname "Ginger" for h...

Friday Vlog

Sasquatch Witness Report

**Note: This is another expert observation by Karl Sup who has been sharing with us his experience and knowledge in the field.** Sasquatch Sighting (Daytime) #2 Mogollon Rim, Arizona, 2010-05-25 1:15PM On Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 two excited Arizona BFRO Investigators contacted me to let me know they had found what they believed to be baby Sasquatch footprints in the focus area of our group research, not far from the location of my October 14, 2009 night vision sighting. This area is closed off from vehicular travel from mid-November until late-April or early-May typically due to snowfall. The roads had just opened up the day before due to the heavy winter snows this area endured. Knowing that my previous sighting was of a female subject, they jokingly said, ‘maybe she had a baby!’ They informed me that they were able to cast three out of the 15-20 prints that were found there in the creek bed mud.  Feeling very excited to cast the remaining prints, if any, I picked up a large qua...

Village Found Of A Race Of Little People?

Source:   In 2005, a small mummified body was found in Iran in a village called Makhunik.  The dwarf sized mummy was almost 10 inches long.  Many looked at the architecture and made an assumption this had to be a city of dwarves. Archaeologists tried to dispute the notion when it went public. Another researcher said that it was a premature baby that was mummified. After being examined, it was determined the mummy was that of someone about 16 or 17 years old. Reports are that the items and the city itself were built of a scale that seemed off and would be ideal for a population of Lilliputians. Oddly, it was found the citizens covered their doors with mud and fled. It would appear they expected to return. (Village above - rather small, eh?) I recently wrote about the Littlefoots in America found in a large population in Tennessee.  - Referred to as "pygmies," these skeletons were found buried in crypts just outside of Sparta, Tennessee in the County of White and repor...

The Predescessors: Key Characteristics of Ancient Giant Cultures

There are likely many more cultures that parallel each other with certain characteristics in separate locations. What is interesting to see is that perhaps a more advanced culture first resided in an region that was ousted from the area by locals who commandeered the knowledge getting credit as "natives" for something an original culture of the region actually began. Paracas: (also known as the elongated skull people of Peru) an Andean society between approximately 800 BCE and 100 BCE, with an extensive knowledge of irrigation and water management. Interestingly, the Nazca culture took over the region after the Paracas (magically) right when the Paracas went bye-bye around 100 BC. Hmm ( *an ousted race replaced by the ousters? ) HoHoKam:  In North America, the Hohokam were the only culture to rely on irrigation canals to water their crops, and their irrigation systems supported the largest population in the Southwest by AD 1300 when they then disappeared off the radar. Ar...

Paranormal Geeks Radio Tonight - Larry Stone!

Tonight on Paranormal Geeks Radio the special guest is Larry Stone. Larry Stone is an author and publisher. The Story of the Bible was a finalist for both the ECPA Christian Book Award and Retailers Choice Award and named “One of the 10 best Christian books of the year” by Assist News Service. He also wrote Women of the Bible (Hudson). After helping build the successful book division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, he co-founded Rutledge Hill Press, best known for having published Life’s Little Instruction Book—the only book to be #1 on the New York Times bestseller list in hardcover and paperback at the same time. He has published more than a dozen New York Times bestsellers. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and University of Iowa, Larry has studied at the New York University Graduate School of Business Administration, taught writing seminars in Africa, America, and the Caribbean, and was recently executive director of KidShape, a non-profit that helps overweight ch...

Evidence Of Ancient Giants of New England

  (Dighton Rock, Massachusetts)  (Dighton Rock today) (Sketch of the inscriptions on Dighton Rock)  Dighton rock is a 40 ton boulder found in the Taunton River where it was deposited long ago. The inscriptions are believed to be 10,000 to 13,000 years old - smack dab in the Dynasty of the Giants era - at a waterway - in land where they were dug up in Massachusetts, typical stone carvings that they performed. In fact, it shows signs of that famous universal language I recently discussed.  Theories so far are in the 17th Century a belief it was American Indians, in the18th Century it was considered to be  Phoenician, 19th Century theory was Norse, in the 20th Century the thought was it was Portuguese.   First, let's establish Ancient Giant presence in the area -  I will now add my 21st Century theory: Ancient Giants Culture. Along waterways, stone geoglyphs, and giants found in that region -  Source: History of the Town of Middleboro Mass, 190...