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Showing posts from March, 2014

Encountering the Paranormal Changes Your View Of the World - Forever!

When you run across the paranormal the first time, whether it's a UFO, Bigfoot sighting, a ghost - you have two options - either you're crazy or what they told you about the world was incomplete.  Believe me, your education was incomplete, not your mind. Everyone has a different way of handling it.  For some, depending on their religious upbringing, the peers around them, their family and worries about being "different" or seeming "crazy," they shut up.  They walk away from it and try to forget it. Over time, they might even convince themselves they had skewed what they saw and it wasn't truly paranormal, just something explainable misunderstood at the moment. There is another set of people who accept what happened was unusual and unexplainable and they go forth seeking answers. They might read up on phenomena, tell their story to others, or in the case of being inpatient for answers, they begin a voyage into the field of para-research. It can be a H...

Ghost Hunting Theories Evolves - and So Do We!

A message from me -

Kernel Of Truth: The Use Of Legends To Explain Our World

Legends. The Bible speaks of the Watchers laying with daughters of men and creating a corrupt race of half spirit/half flesh beings who were giants. The Lenni Lenape told of fighting off a tribe of giants and driving them from the land, down the Mississippi, never to be seen again. The Paiutes tribe had a legend passed down from ancestors of their people fighting a tribe of angry, cannibalistic, red-haired giants, driving them into a cave and burning them.  It sounded like a legend to tell of their power and ability to fend off enemies and outsmart them, but in the 20th century, guano farmers found a cave referred to as Lovelock Cave in Nevada, where they dug up a ton of bat guano, but also the relics of these ancient giants with red hair, big skulls, and long bones. There was a kernel of truth in the legends based on man fighting giants. The part of the legend that is up for grabs is whether or not these was a tribe of cannibalistic fiends that needed to be killed or not. ...

Paranormal Geeks Radio: Special Show Tonight!

FRIDAY NIGHT - SPECIAL SHOW! Paranormal Geeks Radio is having a special episode on Friday night with our guest, Jim Kelly. Jim was the director of MUFON for Maricopa County during the Phoenix Lights occurrence and has some amazing stories about UFO cases no one has heard about, as well as being the best darned EVP specialist on our paranormal investigation team. I am proud to call him a dear friend and a colleague and I could listen to him talk these subjects all night long. 9 pm EST/8 pm Central/6 pm Pacific

Designing Paranormal Experiments

Growing up in a haunted home, I pondered all the time "why did it act up today and not yesterday?" "Why was it quiet a month ago and now it's insane?" I tried to take note of some basic things - Instigators -- What is causing it to act up right now as compared to other times? Environmental? Psyches and emotional content of the living? An event in the building? A change of who is in the room and who has left? An earth energy burst like geomagnetic storms or weather shifts??? Quiescents - What made it quiescent? What seems to make it calm down? What makes it stable again?  Designing experiments that test these things and can create repeatability on performing, are cornerstone for moving the field of paranormal investigation forward.  Sometimes we concentrate so much on proving a site haunted, that we forget to test the sites that are active. It all begins with a simple question and then develop an answer.  Here's some questions I had and how I went about ans...

URBEX Desert Mining Towns

Some of the things I love about photographing mining towns is the way they go up and the way they go down. A mining town starts off with some makeshift buildings when there's promise, then when there's actual strike, it grows fast, population rushes in, and they all try to recreate the buildings from where they came from, mostly the East. When the town spends its mines and the interest and money moves elsewhere, one is left with some shopkeepers, ministers, and others who have built roots there even if they didn't do mining. So, half the town shuts down, sometimes more, and the people who stubbornly remain eek out a quiet life and let the buildings for the past go by the wayside as a reminder of how big the town once was, like mannequins filling in for real people in a population of buildings that was once impressive and are now silent. The desert's dry weather, unrelenting sunlight and soaring temperatures dry everything up, weaken structures, bleach wood, and crumb...

Sasquatch Language

 ("Adahy" portait in oils by Gina Hana) Note: This is from a previous post of last November, but I am expanding with some more information at the end. Wood knocking, rock knocking, grunting. These tend to be the most popular forms of communication perpetuated by television programs hoping to justify the Sasquatch-is-apeman concept. But, the Sasquatch are vocal people. They are exceedingly vocally adept . You might think they creep around the woods like a ninja, but nighttime recordings of them lingering in the pathways and in the brush show a very vocal side to these people. In fact, some of the best evidence so far has come from audio rather than visual. You can amplify the audio to hear them at a distance much easier than trying to zoom in and pixelate them on photos and video. They imitate animals with uncanny ability and, at times, mockery.  Sasquatch also have language as well as regularly practicing hairless-humans' talk and inflection. Some habituators report that ...

Tonight On Paranormal Geeks Radio - Andrea Perron

Tonight's Paranormal Geeks Radio show guest is Andrea Perron, author of "House of Darkness House of Light chronicling her experiences in a haunted farmhouse .  The show is on 9 pm EST/8 pm Central/6 pm Pacific. 

Mega-Sized Megaliths Around the World!

There are stone megaliths and then there are STONE MEGA-MEGALITHS! This post is about the most enormous and incomprehensible ones - Enjoy!  Gornaya Shoria in Siberia - (above pics) At perhaps 3000 to 4000 tons each of granite and 131 feet tall total, these stones (look at the man in the picture for scale) could be the largest megalithic site in the world. They were discovered on an expedition in the Southern Siberian Mountains by Georgy Sidorov.   The Pregnant Woman Stone of Baalbek, Lebanon - The stones weigh in at 1,260 tons. The stone had been considered the largest quarried stone by the Romans - but it might be up for a run for its money if the newly discovered Siberian stones (above) are found to be valid after researching thoroughly. Thunderstone in St. Petersburg, Russia - The stones weigh in at 1250 tons.  The statue's pedestal is the enormous Thunder Stone, claimed to be the largest stone ever moved by man. The stone originally weighed about 1500 tonnes,...