When you run across the paranormal the first time, whether it's a UFO, Bigfoot sighting, a ghost - you have two options - either you're crazy or what they told you about the world was incomplete. Believe me, your education was incomplete, not your mind. Everyone has a different way of handling it. For some, depending on their religious upbringing, the peers around them, their family and worries about being "different" or seeming "crazy," they shut up. They walk away from it and try to forget it. Over time, they might even convince themselves they had skewed what they saw and it wasn't truly paranormal, just something explainable misunderstood at the moment. There is another set of people who accept what happened was unusual and unexplainable and they go forth seeking answers. They might read up on phenomena, tell their story to others, or in the case of being inpatient for answers, they begin a voyage into the field of para-research. It can be a H...