Religion and philosophy have delved into the soul, its origins, its bearing on a person's character, and its worth, but the question that begs asking is, if we have a soul and it needs a living body to house it, and escapes upon the death of that life form, what is its purpose being here on this earthly plane? Here's how it might work: A soul enters the earthly plane upon birth. It is utterly neutral in a baby. But, as we have experiences, gain knowledge, make decisions, establish morals and beliefs, make mistakes and have conquests, we fill the soul with content and character; emotional and spiritual archives from the energy generated by all these actions. That energy is passed on when we leave our physical form at death. This substance-filled energy is the soul. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) Intriguingly, the pineal gland in the human brain has a bit of magnetite in i...