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Showing posts from August, 2013

Hopi Legend: The Portal Between Worlds

Hopi legend tells that the current earth is the Fourth World to be inhabited by Tawa's creations. The story essentially states that in each previous world, the people, though originally happy, became disobedient and lived contrary to Tawa's plan; they engaged in sexual promiscuity, fought one another and would not live in harmony. Thus, the most obedient were led (usually by Spider Woman) to the next higher world, with physical changes occurring both in the people in the course of their journey, and in the environment of the next world. In some stories, these former worlds were then destroyed along with their wicked inhabitants, whereas in others the good people were simply led away from the chaos which had been created by their actions. ( strangely like the theme of Saddam and Gomorrah scenario ) Two main versions exist as to the Hopi's emergence into the present Fourth World. The more prevalent is that Spider Grandmother caused a hollow reed (or bamboo) to gro...

The Empire State Building's Dark History

"He is much better off without me … I wouldn’t make a good wife for anybody" . (suicide note, woman above) The Empire State Building is personally my favorite building in America, the most beloved to me; more so than the White House, Washington Monument or any other significantly recognizable structure. At 102 stories and 1,454 feet tall it is seriously impressive. My first time to the observation deck, all I could think about was whether a penny would kill someone. I was terrified one might fall out of my pockets, so I stood back ( even though it’s not possibly for one to spill out a pocket to the crowd below ). Movies like “Sleepless in Seattle” and “King Kong” romanticized this beautiful art deco styled edifice even more. It possesses what I consider to be the observation deck for America. The next thing one thinks of up where the winds are howling is how freaking far down it is and what kind of state of mind people would have to be in to choose that way to di...

The Unexplained Files: Science Channel - Yahoo!

A great new show premieres tonight on Science Channel. " The Unexplained Files " Here's just the opening episode - wow. This is gonna rock for us paranormal geeks! Valentich & Texas Blue Dogs: August 28 @ 9PM Valentich - In one of the great unexplained mysteries of aviation, pilot Fred Valentich and his light aircraft disappeared without a trace from the skies above southern Australia in 1978. His final words, describing his terrifying encounter: "it's above me and it's not an aircraft"; then a mysterious metallic sound. After this moment Valentich and his plane were never seen again. Is this evidence of UFO contact? In a TV first we hear the actual audio of Valentich's final moments. Texas Blue Dogs - Since 2004 bizarre, hairless, blue-eyed and hunch-backed creatures have invaded Texas, attacking and mutilating livestock. They've been caught on camera and turned up as road kill – and one is even stuffed and mounted. Now there ...

The Witching Hour

You roll over in bed and force your eyes open, only to read the blurry red lights of the digital clock “3:15.” Wikipedia refers to the witching hour this way; “In European folklore, the Witching Hour is the time when supernatural creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to be at their most powerful, and black magic at its most effective. This hour is typically midnight, and the term may now be used to refer to midnight, or any late hour, even without having the associated superstitious beliefs. The term ‘witching hour’ can also refer to the period from midnight to 3am, while ‘ Devil’s Hour ’ refers to the time around 3am.” Apparently, the Devil’s Hour is the exact opposite of the time Christ supposedly died at 3 p.m. ( I won’t even get into the logic of this for those of us on Mountain Standard Time ). A blogger friend made a mention of how she often wakes up at 3:15 am. How many of you wake up during that 3 am hour? I know people who wake up during that hour and can’t...

Paranormal Geeks Radio Tonight

Our first hour of Paranormal Geeks radio is Angie Johnson. Angie does cemetery restoration in Central Illinois. She s also the Illinois Chairperson for some gravestone studies group. If you love cemeteries, this is a must listen episode! And I will be on the second hour to talk to Jim about all things paranormal.


Warning: The content of this post is sexually informative and descriptive. It’s hard to believe that for a woman who writes erotic horror, I’ve never broached this obvious ghostly subject. I admit to a great deal of enthusiasm about the subject matter. Let’s move on now and learn what these naughty nighttime visitors are by definition. Wikipedia describes it best: “ An incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin. Some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally cold penis. Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death. Medieval legend claims that demons, both male and femal...

Mountain Park Ranch Apartments in Ahwatukee - DO NOT RENT THERE!

I moved into the apartment complex because my son was living there and I was going through a divorce. Seemed like a simple move, same neighborhood, someone to help with computer issues nearby and hang out at the pool with. Then, I started getting really sick. Like a head cold that wouldn't do away, but much much worse. A cough developed that would not go away and my bedroom smelled of mold. It ended up, months ago the hot water heater in the upstairs storage room leaked into my storage room and it rotted through the wall into the bedroom. In fact, when I finally discovered mushrooms growing in the carpet, I called the office. I also saved samples of the spores just in case they didn't clear this black mold out. Everything inside the storage room was covered in black mold. It went through the walls into my apartment and carpet. When this was finally cleared away to their satisfaction, I had to haggle to get them to pay me something for everything I lost in the storage, only a ti...

Bigfoot Tooth?

I picked up this retired sideshow piece, a Bigfoot tooth. I'm skeptical it's possible, but I do love sideshow displays and I do love Bigfoot, so..... Here's a closer look at it -

Abandoned Cars In Nature

When I was a kid, we had a rusted out abandoned car from the 1940s in the field near our house. This big old behemoth had been pieced out by my brother and his buddies, parts strewn all over the field. I spent one ambitious summer working to figure out how the parts went back in and cleaning up the vines from the interior with fantasies of driving to the beach in California, while listening endlessly to "Beach Boys" songs the entire summer. Cars inspire independence, but like abandoned buildings, when left to the elements, they seem sadly stranded. And nature is not kind. I didn't know my facial amnesia issue as a kid, but my mother must have thought I was a simple minded child. We would go to the mall and I would lose sight of her and grab the nearest woman's purse that looked like hers. In the 1960s, all purses looked like mom's! The woman would eventually feel me following her, hand on her purse to steer me along. My mother would find me and say, "Sherry, ...

Creepy Must-See Places and Things!

Flintstones Bedrock Park in Arizona   264 US Highway 180, Williams, AZ This darling park in Williams, Arizona found an ideal setting to recreate our beloved Bedrock. Abandoned Land of Oz park in North Carolina, Beech Mountain, North Carolina This now defunct themed-park is atop a mountain and left as a very lonely memory. Cabazon Dinosaurs just off I-10 in California in Cabazon. You might recall them from a scene in "Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure." Every since I was a teen driving across country and seeing billboards along the way saying "You must see The Thing!" I wanted to go to Benson, AZ and see this gift shop and roadside attraction. Exit 322 on I-10 between Benson and Willcox. How about a museum based on the more odd types of Fossils and ones that might hint at the ancient giants?? If you're going through Texas, go to Mt Blanco Fossil Museum .    How about checking out a Chupacabra on display?  I like where this museum curator is going with this. T...

Paranormal Memes

California Lake Monster

 (Lake Elizabeth, Palmdale, CA) When I was growing up, there was a supposed lake monster on the Chesapeake, named Chessie. Nearly every body of water has its moments where it reveals something confusing that begins the gossip that legends are made of.  Lake Elizabeth in California has one such story of a lake monster. In fact, reports go all the way back to the early 1800s when a rancher who had a property near the lake. There were many reports of missing animals. Then, a giant winged creature was reported to fly over the property at night. The locals reported the bullets bouncing off its body if they shot at it. Eventually, ranch hands left, the ranch closed down and was abandoned. The next purchaser of the property had his animals go missing too, but he put up a fight, shooting at the beast and hitting it in the nose with his rifle butt. The monster supposedly retreated into the lake. They believed it then headed towards Arizona.  It was described as having bat wings, t...

Patty the Bigfoot Bare

Can We Create a Zombie?

Come on, haven't you ever wondered if it's scientifically feasible? In some magic-based practices, the process of making a zombie is taken as fact. With the right mix of ingredients, a person can ingest the concoction and go into a kind of stasis ( think SciFi long-distance space travel ). The body’s systems would shut down to almost a halt, maintaining just enough to keep and element of life present ( yeah, like a glowing pilot light on a gas heater ). There is no doubt this is possible. Every time we undergo anesthesia for a surgery, we are quieting down conscious brain function, but maintaining autonomic function so our hearts still beat and we still breathe. With anesthesia comes a dulling of pain senses and the creation of amnesia when it is over. Of course, this wouldn't make for a real zombie, just a dead-looking person. The zombie would supposedly occur when you reanimate the person. In the case of anesthesia or even primitive mixes of powders, it wouldn't make ...

North Carolina's Vampire Beast?

When animals show up dead in unusual ways, their blood drained from them, one has to wonder - what is going on? This happened back in the 1950s in the southern portion of North Carolina, but it appears - it's back! In the 1950s, it was dogs being found dead, drained of their blood and residents attributed it to a beast that -had the body of a bear and the head of a cat. The story in the 50s got a lot of attention and hunters came rushing to the state to try to bag the beast. When the killings petered out, everyone forgot the legends over the decades until 2003 when suddenly horses and dogs were dying. In fact, the horses were found dead, puncture wounds in the neck, and drained of blood according to a local vet. The woman whose horses were killed reported her dog was also killed and as she held it's dying body she saw something that looked like a bear with a cat's head rush off into the woods. It came to be known as the Beast of Bladenboro A farmer named Luther Davis shot ...

The Funny Side of Bigfoot

Is Bigfoot like the Klopeks? Remember the movie "The Burbs" when the neighbors were suspicious of the new people on the block because they kept to themselves and didn't mix? Do we fill in Bigfoot with lots of mystique because he's the antisocial neighbor? Are we suspicious because of his very cryptid nature? Hmmmm Bigfoot isn't always gravely serious. According to some video makers, he's quite the humorist - And, if you let me speak for him, he has a few things to say - THANKS FOR THE STUFF! by Bigfoot   Missing a shovel? Wonder what happened to the kids shoes left at the sand pit in the backyard? Care what became of the ice cooler that fell off the top of your station wagon as you raced down the rural highway?  Hey, thanks for the stuff.  Some of it can be useful. Some of it, we're still not sure what to do with, like this -   Or this - and we have had animated discussions about this one- My brothers think they know what they are, but I have my own theo...

Halloween Cocktail Recipes

Alien Brain Hemorrhage Cocktail Twilight's Kiss of a Vampire Martini 1 ½ oz. Chilled Vodka 1 ½ oz. Champagne ¾ oz. Black Raspberry Liqueur Sugar Red food coloring Wax vampire teeth (Optional) START: Rim martini glasses with sugar dipped in red food color. You can also drop in a set of wax vampire teeth for a real surprise. Pour vodka and half of black raspberry liqueur in a martini glass. Top with champagne and pour the remaining black raspberry liqueur over the back of a spoon to make it float. Bleeding Heart Martini   2 oz dry vermouth, 8 oz gin, ice cubes, 4 pickled baby beets with cocktail skewer.  START: Chill 4 martini glasses in freezer or fill with ice water and let sit until frosty, about 5 minutes (pour out water). Add vermouth in even amounts. Swirl to coat glasses. Then, pour out. Add gin to a shaker and fill with ice, shake vigorously until cold. Divide among chilled glasses. Garnish with skewered pickled beet. Black Lagoon Cocktail   4 oz vodka, 2 oz rosem...