We often get "feelings" but don't know where they come. In the field of psychology, feelings are the result of thoughts. So, if we think it's totally unfair that our boss expects the report by tomorrow, then we feel anger. If we think someone broke into our home because we hear a noise at night, we get scared. In the field of paranormal investigation, your feelings take on a whole new realm; that of the intuitive. What is the intuitive? It's receiving information by means we cannot grasp or have a full understanding of its origins. If we break it down, information comes to us in the physical realm and our bodies interpret these things into intuitive feelings. We don't even realize this process. Physical: Chills, heat, electrical sensations, goosebumps, heavy weight feeling on chest or head, headache, nauseousness, breathlessness, dizziness. These are just some of the physical manifestations we get in an environment. Have you ever gone into a building and felt...