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Showing posts from November, 2012

Can We As a Society Handle An Alien Encounter?

Many conspiracy theorists claim that the government is keeping things from us because civilians cannot accept an unthinkable truth; that perhaps we not only are visited by aliens, but they might be our creators. The implications for such an event include religious, sociological, financial, military, scientific and individual. In my own scientific-minded way, I tend to see the possibility more like the scenario in "The Mist." The government or scientists or a combination of both find a way to break through into a parallel world/other dimension, and out spills the secret to the universe, that we are nothing more than a minuscule bubble in a tub overfilled with soap. The other possibility might come in a scenario like the one being played out right now with talk of Bigfoot DNA revealing a cross mixing of humans with something that supposedly is not that compatible, raising the question of hybridization by alien masters. By any stretch of the imagination, should there be truth to...

Paranormal Geeks Book For Sale Now!

Paranormal Geeks is out now! (Amazon paperback & Kindle)  “Paranormal Geeks” by Gina Hana and Julie Ferguson is an endearing homage to those of us who are into everything from UFOs to psychics, Bigfoot to ghosts, zombies to conspiracy theories. These two humorous paranormal bloggers interviewed dozens of paranormal geeks to find what made them PGs, their types, degrees, and ways they express it in their lifestyles and hobbies. There is a quiz to find out how much of a geek you are and a certificate to honor you in the end. The book also contains a large resources section to get your paranormal geek interests advanced to the next level. These authors take you on a magical journey into the minds of paranormal geeks and in the end remind us that we have found our large and varied tribe. As the authors like to remind us, “ we outnumber the normal people. ”   "I used to hide my UFO books and articles when my friends would come to visit. I knew it wasn't "cool" to be ...

Paranormal Military Conspiracy Theories

I am fascinated with conspiracy theories. Some are so ridiculous, you can't help but laugh. Others, have a ring of truth to them. Many can handle the test of time by becoming more and more "fact" as times passes, like Roswell. Let's look at some of the best of the paranormal conspiracy theories--you might see a government theme. Roswell Coverup The summer of 1947, something crashed in the desert in Roswell, New Mexico.  The conspiracy took hold when a local military man from the base announced to the press that a flying disc had been recovered. The following day, a higher-up retracted that with a "it was a high-altitude balloon." Witness reports from supposed medical workers saying they handled "small injured" beings from the crash combined with stories of one of the military men showing his family parts of the crash with what looked like hieroglyphs, set in motion all the best ingredients for a local urban legend that over time would grow into a h...

More Paranormal Memes

The Future of Bigfoot Hunters

It's over. It's done. Bigfoot has been proven by DNA and irrefutable video. This future scenario will occur, perhaps in the very near future. So, when man no longer has to prove Bigfoot exists, to rush out into the woods and get the money shot or the DNA, what next? Well, once it is determined what BF is, protections will be put in place.  Harassing, shooting, and otherwise molesting Bigfoot will be illegal. That probably won't stop some nut jobs out there from trying, but for the most part all the legitimate groups seeking to understand Bigfoot will have limitations on being  allowed to just roam the woods freely and set up trap cams. This doesn't mean, however, that there will no longer be a place for them in the world of Bigfootery. I often say it in ghost hunting, but there is a role for everyone. If you can't be an investigator, consider running the website, interviewing clients, studying history of locations, and many other aspects of helping out the cause of...

Mind Fuck Tuesday: Shadow People Theories

Shadow People are on of my all-time favorite subjects of unexplained phenomena. It seems to be the least researched and yet very widely seen. Described as anywhere from the usual 3-4 feet tall to upwards of 6 feet tall, solid black looking, shaped like a human, seen out of the corner of your eye first, and then when they realize they are seen, they vanish. They can occur in parks, new homes, office places, scary spaces, haunted locations, and cemeteries. It doesn't seem to matter where. They appear to think they are alone and seem a bit astonished to discover we can see them, as if they were always undetected previously. So, has something changed in modern man? One theory is that because of fast refreshing screens on computers, man has become better at capturing things in the visual spectrum than he once was. I'm not sure about this. My vision seems beat to hell from lit screens. It's an interesting concept though. Many people after long days at the computer report seeing t...

Pro's and Con's of Ghost Hunting Tools

  You're going to get a tone from me that I'm not super impressed with the tools of the trade and I'm not. Having lived in a haunted house from birth to teens, I know that the best tool we have is our senses, including the sixth one. We can't prove anything to others with those senses other than describe an experience, but ultimately we have yet to create the ideal ghost hunting tool.  All these expensive bells and whistles are just that -- distractions. Here's the limitations - Electrician's tools (K-II, EMF meter) Unless one is hunting within a shielded environment in controlled conditions, the meter only tells you that of what we already know - that electromagnetic fields are everywhere around us in our world, sort of like how you walk down your hallway on a cell phone talking while your wireless printer is spewing a photo from the computer in the back bedroom to the living room.  These absolutely do not tell us if a ghost is present or trying to present its...

Review of Finding Bigfoot

 BEST LINES: "Dumpster-diving squatches are well known." (Bobo) "Smells like a cow's butt everywhere you go." (Bobo) "It's always cool whenever you see something big and glowing." (Bobo) "The refrigerator in this area is full and it's just waiting for someone to come and take it out." (Cliff) "Taking Bobo into a DNA lab is like taking a bull into a china shop" (Matt) Unusual terrain in Oklahoma, on flat farmland area.  Interesting tracks following a fence line with very wide strides was a start, but a big hunk of hair the researcher gave them was promising. It came off a branch 8-9 feet off the ground. They went out at night to see if they could find anything. They found potential food sources, but nothing too exciting. They did, however, drop off the hair for DNA. Bobo causes test tubes to crash. This was probably one of my favorite town halls they ever had. The witnesses were ideal and what they were saying soooo jived wit...

Finding Bigfoot Tonight!

Evidence of possible Bigfoot DNA in Oklahoma spurs the team on this week on Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet at 10 pm (for lucky folks, us in AZ with Cox Cable have it on at 11 pm--bastards put us on California time). If you're gonna find DNA of BF, places like OK/eastern TX, Arkansas and such are ideal locales. People buy into the Northwest myth, but America's breadbasket is the place for human food sources and BF too.  Tomorrow, expect a review of the show from me.

Bigfoot: The Horizontally Dynamic Foot Theory

Horizontally Dynamic Foot Theory By Karl Sup and Gina Hana November 21, 2012 Humans have a vertically dynamic foot for upward lift. In this theory, we propose that Sasquatch have a horizontally dynamic foot for enhanced step grip. Visual evidence in films such as Bluff Creek Patterson-Gimlin film (1967), show a creature whose body length is highly disproportionate with human beings, with powerful gluteus and leg muscles, wide hips, as well as a smooth, compliant gait that does not generate any head bounce. This evidence demonstrates that there is no “step off” in their gait, but instead the sasquatch maintain a knee-bent, ‘snow-shoeing’ compliant gait in which the rear foot and forefoot exhibit separate flexibility, often referred to as a mid-tarsal flexion break. This theory proposes that there is an additional shift of the rear foot towards the forefoot (or an inchworm effect), that can create a composite pinch of substrate or forest litter like pine needles and leaves. In the insta...