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Showing posts from July, 2012

3 Months To Halloween! & Radio Show Tonight!

Why do I start my countdown to Halloween now? Because we all had a hot summer. We dream of autumn. Pumpkins. Cool nights. Bonfires. Crunchy leaves. So, I am determined to escort us into the season of autumn and horror with all I have! I will be doing more and more dark and spooky, creepy and haunted, horror and unsettling things these months to Halloween. You will recall that Dale the Doll gets possessed by the spirit of a dead magician each October and gets more and more insane and troublesome as the month moves on. He often follows others' blogs and will comment on them, as well as stealing my laptop to post things and videos. If you missed the other Halloweens, here's just some of the antics - What to expect on GHT? Well, tons of posts on unusual oddities you didn't know about, news of bath salts attacks, nostalgic Halloween creepiness, how to bring on the season, plan Halloween parties, build costumes, join scary events, creepy getaways, ghost tours, and lots of hardcor...

Zombies Among Us!

Another Alien Encounter?

I wrote some time ago about an " alien" memory in hypnosis . I disregarded it as utterly ridiculous, but several months ago, I had an incident that did not involve hypnosis, but did occur while sleeping. I woke up quite suddenly and had no real reason, like sound or discomfort. I knew I wasn't alone. I looked to my left and saw two alien grays, one a few feet away and one at the end corner of my bed area, then I turned my head to see a gray at the foot of my bed bathed in an orange red light and then to the other side of the bed, another gray. All at once, I knew their thoughts and it was kind of like " oh shit! She wasn't supposed to know we visited. " One by one they disappeared, starting with the one in the orange red light. I sat up and watched the last one turn away and then disappear. And, the room smelled of ozone. This was not like a sleep paralysis, which I've had before. There was zero terror. I was moving around in the bed, sitting up, and st...

How To Cope With Ghosts

Lots of ghosts shows have swept right over the part where the homeowners are left with the realization their home is haunted and now have to say goodbye to the team and live there alone again. I have a set of steps I like to take a client through: First, we determine if there are haunting features by seeing if any of the events are explainable and seeing if there seems to be unexpected input in the environment.  If it seems there is something going on, we then determine personal threat . If we're talking about doors opening and closing, footfalls, voices, cold spots, feelings of being watched, there is no real threat, only the unexpected. We learn to cope with unexpected things every day from a rain shower we didn't see coming to a busted water pipe. Cognitively reframing the experience is significant in lowering stress levels. The next step is a very simple one, the comforting feel of the home can be shifted by doing simple measures like opening a Bible and leaving it out, pl...

Brazilian Roswell?

Known as the Varginha Incident, a supposed UFO crash incident in Brazil that was reported by news agencies, but the government denied it. (Wikipedia) According to media reports, the creature was first sighted by three women ranging from 14 to 21 years old: sisters Liliane and Valquíria Fátima Silva, and their friend Kátia Andrade Xavier. They allegedly saw the creature in the afternoon of January 20, 1996: A biped about 1.6 metres (5 ft), with a large head and very thin body, with V-shaped feet, brown skin, and large red eyes. It seemed to be wobbly or unsteady, and the girls assumed it was injured or sick. The creature was said to have a strong, unpleasant odor.[citation needed] Some[who?] have noted physical similarities between this alleged creature and the chupacabra, a cryptozoological creature reported in Puerto Rico and Central America. The Silva sisters say they fled, then told their mother that they had seen the devil. She didn’t believe them at first, but when she had gone ...

Covert Government Projects: Whazzup?

I thought you might enjoy finding resources to learn more about supposed secret government projects. What’s so interesting about this is that many of these the government admitted to, like testing LSD on citizens and hopes of mind control. If even one of these ones below is real, imagine the implications? Just click on the name of the project and it will take you to a page that has a good explanation if you want to know more. HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which is an investigation project to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance” (official description). This huge field of 180 antennae are located in Alaska and concern many people around the world because if it’s impressive size and vague purpose. Montauk in Long Island is the location of a military base. This is suspected to be the location of experiments in Time Travel such as in the “Philadelphia Expe...

Why Are Baby Dolls So Evil?

What the heck is it about baby dolls that makes people cringe? I know it's human nature to look at something that has a face and categorize it. We see a baby doll, we think baby. What do you think when you think baby? Crying, pooping, delicate if dropped . Someone gave me a baby doll when I was little and I promptly buried it in our pet cemetery over the septic tank. It's the pretty and pleasant looking ones that most bother me. They remind me of prissy girls in school who are know-it-all's and told-you-so's. I just want to turn their heads around so they aren't giving me that fake smile all the time! The really strange thing about baby dolls is that time shows on their features just like on humans. Makes you wonder, huh? Perhaps this doll below is the best reason to be very wary of baby dolls. The really realistic ones are just freaking sick!

Why Are Mannequins So Creepy?

If you like 80s movies--"Tourist Trap" is seriously good. I have it in my collection. The mannequin element is freaking creep-o-rama! Why do mannequins unsettle us so much? As a kid, I remember wandering off at Montgomery Ward (yes, that does date me, doesn't it?) I would grab onto a woman's purse and follow her and not look up. Since I had facial amnesia, looking at people's faces meant not that much to me. I needed to see their clothing, hear their voices or see them in a place I expect to see them, like my brother in his bedroom or my teacher in our classroom. So, I would grab a purse that looked like mom's and follow the woman until she noticed someone holding her purse and turned me around and took me back in search of my mom. One time, I grabbed a mannequin's purse and stood there patiently waiting for her to walk. My mom came along and laughed when she saw me holding the mannequin's purse. I looked up, saw the plastic face and screamed and cried...


Getting Rid of Skittles?

We tried to get rid of creepy little Skittles, but it didn't quite take...

Dale the Doll: Don't Listen To the Human!

Yeah, it's true that the Human has me figured out. She knows that sometimes at night I steal her laptop to write posts. She knows to watch out for me in October when I become possessed by the dead magician's spirit and cause lots of trouble. She even bought that freaking creepy silent clown doll, Skittles, just to keep me in line. Man, I hate that freaky doll! I have to live with the wacky redhead and she thinks she's put upon because I upskirted her and put it on the internet, or filmed her sleeping or hid her knives... It's nothing compared to what she does to me! Like the Dos Equis interesting man says, " stay frostie my friends ."

Why Are Clowns So Scary?

My first circus, I was 4 years old. Not thrilled about the awful music, the smells or the huge elephants, but the minute the clown showed up and looked my way--I went running and screaming and no one could pull me back into the tent again! Clowns are too happy, unnaturally happy. Their features are exaggerated and the human beneath can almost be discerned. His mouth is not as big as the one drawn on, his eyes are not as big as they are drawn on. We see an incongruity in what they pretend to be and what they are. There may be somewhere in our human DNA a bullshit button when it comes to genuine facial expressions. How about the real-life John Wayne Gacy? The part-time clown/full-time serial killer? Need anymore confirmation that clowns are evil? Check this out.... A friend dared me to add to my dark anthology erotica series a story about sex with a clown. I did it, and I think I managed to make it feasible and disturbing. It's part of my series "Philia: Sex in Dark Places...

New Candlelight Tale! The Drowning Nurse

Abandoned Sites

Julie and I took a road trip yesterday to Gila Bend, through Maricopa and Mobile, AZ. Fantastic photo ops. Here's just some of the precious gems -     We had some air-conditioning noise. We passed by some kind of electrical plant? in the desert and in my worst British accent I said, "Please, Mr. Wonka, let us in. We want to play with the Oompa Loompas ever so much!" And, yes, we do sing to the tunes as we drive down the roadway.

Spielberg and Hitchcock Movies

  Spielberg made us scared to go into the ocean and Hitchcock made us scared of showers; both masterful directors teaching us that there is power in not just sharing a story, but leaving some lingering residue.  They took ordinary things like swimming and showering and replaced the common images with someone unexpected. I spent a day off recently playing "Jurassic Park," "Jaws," "Duel," and "Rear Window," "The Birds," and "Psycho" all day long while I worked on writing my horror novella. The use of cinematography to show just enough to get a sense without giving the whole scene away, skewed camera angles, beautifully orchestrated music, vivid colors, and quirky and flawed characters-- those are the things with which these directors made high impact movies.  The quest in these movies were simple things; deliver some love birds to a girl's birthday party, stare out your window while you're laid up with a broken leg, cat...

Bigfoot Diaries: Our Spirituality

Others in my clan might anger at the concept of me explaining us to you hairless beings that call yourselves "humans," but I feel compelled to remind you that my kind are anything but dumb animals. In fact, you might be surprised to know we are very much alike in lots of ways. One of them is spirituality. What? You're surprised? Your kind found spirituality in the toughest of times living in caves and fighting for meals that could outrun you and scrounging for natural growing foods that came and went seasonally. You died of disease, infection, childbirth, and other premature demises. The very elements of rain and snow, wind and sun were either vitally important or absolutely devastating. If you hadn't built up a spirituality to handle it and explain your circumstances, you would never have survived and adapted. As we have too. Where do we go when we put our kind in the ground? How do we accept the elements, the earth, sky, sun, and other angry ones of our own kind wa...

The Ghost Hunt That Got Away

It's impossible not to run into places you regret you never hunted at and then they were torn down or not pursuing a place you thought was haunted but couldn't get proof of it the night you were there. For me, as a child living in a haunted estate in Northern Virginia and having a mother who was an historian who felt compelled to go to every historic site, the regrets often times revolve around these places. I have been a psychic my entire life, as far back as I can recall, and these sites my mother made us traipse around on summer vacations provoked a great deal of reactions from me. Having a child's lack of interest in what a place was named or where it was located, I have lost the ability to discern which buildings I would want to go back to as an adult and paranormal investigator. There are also some sites that I greatly regret not getting back to, such as the Newpoint-Comfort Lighthouse or my childhood home where my deceased family members vowed to haunt. One recent si...

Time Shifts and Alternate Universes

  If you're a follower of the wonderful show "Wormhole," you no doubt are aware of the string physics theories that explain the concept of multiverses (many universes) and that whatever decision was made, plays out in different universes; i.e. you turn right at the street corner in one universe, left in another. Here's a couple of incidents that make you wonder about things like ghosts, psychic abilities and deja vu -  I had an old mantle clock I inherited from my father's home in Norway. He kept a photo of his family inside it and as a child, I would see him ritualistically open it, study the photo, put it back and close the door. When I inherited it, I realized it had a cord that was hidden behind the dresser when I was a kid. I plugged it in to see it worked on this early 20th century clock and it did. It began to tick. I opened the door and pulled the photo out, looked at it, looked up at the room and saw a completely different home with high ceilings, portrai...

Destination Truth and Haunted Highway Tonight!

Destination Truth Alien Invaders/Swedish Lake Monster It's nice to see Josh chasing UFOs too.  It doesn't matter much what he does--love the episodes, but I do admit to paying only partial attention to water monsters. It's a bore from a gathering evidence point of view. It's murky. It's hazy. There's sonar hits that are nebulous. I like his paranormal and monster episodes on land better. Haunted Highway El Durado Hell Hounds/Georgia Skinstealer The show does not have me sold at all, but the damn titles of the episodes do. I feel compelled to peek and then I tell myself, "why did you do that again?" I know they will be screaming and rushing around in the dark supposedly filming themselves but they go back and forth with having a light on them and then in nightvision and the way they film it leads me to believe there is no way there isn't a crew with them in the woods. Then, they go back to the car and already have an expert on the laptop to talk to ...

Z World Detroit

I love brilliant ideas and I love to see people campaigning to make a dream come true. The dream in this case is an abandoned Detroit neighborhood turned into a zombie-themed park! Do you want to look for a refuge within a building from the zombies shambling around outside? Abandoned factories, stores, homes, and empty lots--all become the playing field for dealing with hordes of zombies. You and your teammates are weaponless since your ammo has run out. You must rely on your skills and teamwork to avoid the zombies, to design makeshift fortifications, find food and water and withstand the final assault. Can you find a suitable base? Who can you trust? Can a teammate be talked into being a diversion for the greater good? Do you hunker down or make a run for it? Z World Detroit wants to make it happen. Check it out and volunteer some dollars to get this launched. We just can't have enough of revitalizing neighborhoods with new life, or, um, ah... undeath .

Mind Fuck Tuesday: Animorphic Humans

I'm starting the series back. I missed it too much and there are so many mind-bending concepts out there that I just had to get back into reporting them for your own personal mind-scramble. Today, we check out folks who want to be animals--REALLY WANT TO BE ANIMALS-- (Wikipedia) Dennis Avner (born in Flint, Michigan August 27, 1958) of Tonopah, Nevada, United States, is widely known as "Cat Man", though he prefers his Native American name, Stalking Cat. Avner has spent considerable resources to surgically modify his body to resemble that of a tiger. He holds the world record for the most body modifications. Goat Man.  In Utah, a man in a goat costume is sighted on a hillside, just hanging out with a herd of wild goats. Don't wanna ask. Don't wanna know. Furries. Some say they're folks who just take anime too far. They want to become the human/animal hybrids in the graphic novels and comics and identify with dressing up like fluffy things and well - doing it l...

Read Books On Your PC - So Easy - So Nice!

I do have a lot of books on Kindle (Amazon). I find people afraid to read electronic versions of books, but oh, they are a delight! Kindle makes it easy. At the purchase button on the right hand side of the book cover they have a download to your PC option. You can have your books on your Droid, your IPad, your PC, or your Kindle. It's just so easy nowadays. For free, they load the software onto your PC and there you have a wonderful Kindle Reader button. You can purchase Kindle books on your Amazon account and then you pull them up on that Reader button any time, any where. It remembers what you own. There are even free Kindle books all over the Amazon site, so there's no excuse not to be reading. I have my Kindle book I'm reading minimized while I do my writing and work and pop it up when I take a break and read it. You can find my list of books here on Amazon Gina Hana  (Josiah: Undead Cowboy, Was That a Ghost? Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition), Kicki...

Haunted St. James Hotel, Cimarron, NM

It's pretty tasty as a paranormal investigator to hear about a place people speak of in hushed tones as if it were the Amityville Horror itself. It tells me that the place may be not as well known so secrets and urban legends abound. One such place is the St. James Hotel in Cimarron, New Mexico. Built in 1872, the saloon/restaurant/hotel saw 26 murders. The reason the tales of this hotel got my attention was because other investigators said that no one was allow in permanently locked room #18. Supposedly, believing an angry murdered ghost doesn't like folks in that room, they kept it locked. Note to self: Put on to-do list.

Sex and the Single Ghost Hunter: Songs Say It All

The past - Taylor Swift "Mean" The healing period - "Refugee" by Tom Petty The present- "Soulmate" by Natasha Bedingfield The future - "Teenage Dream" Katy Perry

All My Books

I realized the other day that over the years, I've written books but I've not put them all in one place for y'all to peruse them and see what they're about. So, here goes - Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition) on Kindle , Nook and Print forms.  My dear friend and often co-author, Julie Ferguson did the photography and graphics for this unusual urban exploration book and I did 12 psychic reads on the locations. The combination shows the sad inhospitable locations nowadays and a story from their past brought to life that makes you realize events never actually end, they wait in stasis to be re-read. Was That a Ghost? This is on Kindle and Nook This book is my work as a paranormal investigator, psychic, and sometimes counselor, helping people to discern if something was paranormal or not. I take you through the "Trinity of Relevance," my own invention, that helps you not only in figuring out if something was paranormal, but can be applied t...