Kicking off the zombie weekend and the release of our book "Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse," I'm sharing zombie-themed posts today and a big giveaway tomorrow you don't want to miss. Come on, haven't you ever wondered if it's scientifically feasible to create a zombie? In some magic-based practices, the process of making a zombie is taken as fact. With the right mix of ingredients, a person can ingest the concoction and go into a kind of stasis ( think SciFi long-distance space travel ). The body’s systems would shut down to almost a halt, maintaining just enough to keep and element of life present ( yeah, like a glowing pilot light on a gas heater ). There is no doubt this is possible. Every time we undergo anesthesia for a surgery, we are quieting down conscious brain function, but maintaining autonomic function so our hearts still beat and we still breathe. With anesthesia comes a dulling of pain senses and the creation of amnesia when it is over. Of c...