I'm a Bigfoot F-R-E-A-K. I like my men tall and hairy, what can I say? My serious BF hangout has become Bigfoot Evidence . The comments that go back and forth are crazy interesting, edgy, angry, and hopeful. I never know what's next on the news reported there or the things people say. I totally love it--very addictive. If you don't follow it, you're missing out a hugely fun place to comment! I am also a huge fan of North American Bigfoot with Cliff Barackman from my new favorite show, "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. I might have a wee bit of a crush on him. I'm not sure what it is, perhaps the Oregonian feel, the wise eyes, the intelligence, the outdoorsy nature.... I am also a werewolf freak and a bit of a closet shaman-type. The blog The Wolf's Eyes has my attention and I never miss a post. This author is highly intelligent, spiritual, and seriously respectful of all things wolves and shapeshifting. Perhaps it's the romantic in me, but this...