This location (above) is the Oxbow Inn in Payson, AZ and it's for sale for a good price, actually. It was popular in the mountainous region for being a busy saloon and dance hall. I have heard that the activity there (spirit wise) is quite impressive. It's the kind of place I would very much like to hunt in before it's taken over and renovated and changed. It's in the quiet time right now when it should be quite interesting to capture paranormal goings on. I have such a love of historic places and their meanings through the decades. Just as a psychometrist and ghost hunter, history lover and romantic, I would very much like some time in there to soak it in and see it come to life again in the nighttime. Whoever buys it is a very lucky person and I hope they realize how unique these kinds of places are and the responsibility of owning a piece of history. I also hope they like serious-minded paranormal investigators.
Then, there's the Vulture Mine....
Sadly, the Vulture Mine (hilarious "Ghost Adventures" episode) that Julie and I enjoyed photographing and filming, was finally bought after years on the market. Hey, it is a gold mine and gold being worth a lot, well.... We can only hope that the new owners take care of the historic buildings and understand the preciousness of what they now possess. I hope to be able to go back and do ghost hunting with the buildings being preserved and history remaining intact for visitors to see and feel.
My childhood home, Aspen Grove, was bought by a contractor at one point in time and he meant to tear down the 250-year-old mansion and all the outbuildings to put up condos. The historical society and neighbors fought and the bastard was allowed to tear down the outbuildings and orchards and build condos around the mansion. I cursed his soul and I do believe he went bankrupt eventually, though I had images of hanging him from one of the remaining trees--by his scrotum.
Hey, here's a site just for paranormal homes for sale.
One can always dream of residing in a home with others where you don't have to give up bathroom time and space for them.
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