Area 51 on FoF tonight--review tomorrow.
I will be at a paranormal lecture this evening with two "top" parapsychologists; Barry Taff (not sure what I think of him) and Loyd Auerbach (once again, not sure what I think of him). I hope to hear some intelligent conversation from them about the new world of parapsychology and not the old world of possession and poltergeists, seances and spiritualists. I'd like to hear some serious discussion on EVPs which show the best promise so far of a way to capture evidence. I don't know if either of them are associated with such research, I seriously doubt Taff is. I haven't heard him and EVPs in the same discussion, so I'm guessing he's one of those types who can't hear an EVP if it screams at him. With many 70s era researchers reaching retirement, I wonder about the future of the industry. Like Bigfoot research, many of the innovators in the field are going bye-bye. I'm hoping to hear them talk about the direction the field is going (hopefully utilizing theorists in physics) and I will report back.
I won't even show a clip of GH because the guest star is Meredith Vieira. Need I say more??? WTF??? They didn't jump the shark, they ran it over with a motorboat!
Oh, WTF? I'll go ahead and give you the clip purely for entertainment purposes, I don't think it would be encouraging you to support their sponsors and watch the train wreck--
Expect my review tomorrow and I want your input about Fact or Faked! You will enjoy the FoF photo tomorrow taken at the farm event.
On a funny WTF note--At the farm there was a parking lot sign to remind us where we parked and it was a cow--sponsored by--Sonic Drive-In! Hee hee (poor cow)

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