When my parents bought our house, they didn't know it was haunted. They did know, however, that it was very very old (mid 1700s). They also knew that it must have seen the Civil War. My mother being an art teacher and an aspiring historian, was thrilled at the idea of uncovering a history that was rather vague upon the purchase. As she learned more about its history, she began to realize the potential relics that were on the grounds and so a metal detector was purchased. My siblings and I spent our childhood digging up relics with as much regularity as taking out the trash. But, it was almost the moment we moved in that my parents noticed something not quite right. Visits from past residents brought up stories of the ghosts that jived with what my parents and older siblings were noting. I grew up in it from the time I was a baby. It was never something I thought of as "ghosts" but as "the house." It was "the house" that made noises. It was "the house" that showed glimpses of figures. The only ghosts I knew of were Casper and he was a floating white sheet and we definitely had none of those!
My parents loved the house, us kids thought the haunting action was perfectly normal. No one felt threatened. We felt as if we simply had "extra" family members.
But, would you buy a house that you knew was haunted? One where people had died? One that the owners had to divulge they had some "issues"?
I'm going to give you three scenarios. Tell me if any of the you would buy and which ones you would not buy?
1. An elderly man died in his bed in the back of the house. The family members selling the house upon occasion smelled his pipe smoke and sometimes objects in the kitchen moved from one place to another when they set them down. They suspect he would never leave the home because he built it and it was his life-time pride and joy. They also have no idea how he would receive non-family members.
2. A man shot and killed his wife and then himself 30 years ago in the home. Two other families had lived there since then and all reported a sense of someone sitting on the edge of the master room bed and sometimes a sense of being stared at. Upon occasion, the children saw a man walking down the hall.
3. A teenager hung himself in the house 5 years ago. One family moved in after that and had to relocate so they're selling the place. They do admit that they don't like the guest room downstairs. It makes people very uneasy. Their teenager felt very depressed in that room. A few people reported the door to that room slamming and it having cold spots.
**I'm always supporting new paranormal groups. There's one to check out in Northern Alabama called Moonlight Shadows. Check it out.**
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