How many of you bought plastic and duct tape during the Bush regime?
How many microwaved your mail during the anthrax scare?
How many of you stored supplies during Y2K?
How many of you wonder if you should store water? Dried foods? Medicines? Iodine and chloride tablets?
So, just what are your plans for the post-apocalypse? Would you go to the country? Secure yourself into a high rise with some supplies? Would you go to an island? A cave?
I think an ideal situation would be a group with a good range of talents from strength to medical knowledge, building and rigging power, survivalist skills and mercenary skills, but not such a large group you'd be easy to spot or have too many people to support with limited resources.
My dream clan?
A chinese herbalist who turned doctor.
A martial arts, ancient weapons expert.
A building contractor/carpenter.
An electrical engineer with solar experience.
An outdoorsman with survivalist training.
A hunter/trapper.
An ex green beret.
Where I live, survival is not easy. My plans have to include going up to the eastern mountains where there are lakes, woods, and rain/snow. Each vehicle in our caravan would have to carry motorcycles and bicycles so we're ready for any kind of transport, should one break down and for when we reach our final place and run out of gas, we will still have motorcycles for a time and then bicycles for transport.
Have you ever sat down and really thought about what you'd do?
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