It's quiz time again, my darlings. You know the drill. Count your a's, b's and c's and see which one you get the most of. If you end up with 2, 2 and 1, look at that 1 and pick your second choice on that question so you can tip the scales.
1. In high school, I tended to be...
a. Easily overlooked, going under the radar.
b. Intelligent and ahead of the game.
c. Simmering angry and an outcast.
2. In bed, I like to...
a. Stay focused and hit it hard for that orgasm.
b. Tease and taunt, draw it out until my partner is begging.
c. It's usually pretty awkward. I don't think I'm all that talented.
3. If I got a new dog, I'd probably choose...
a. A rottweiler.
b. A German Shepherd.
c. A Chihuahua.
4. At a haunted attraction, I most like...
a. Being chased by a guy with a chainsaw.
b. Finding my way through the maze in the dark.
c. Things jumping out at me unexpectedly.
5. If I were going to kill someone, I'd probably...
a. Come right at them with my weapon.
b. Find a way to stage an accident.
c. Lash out in an angry moment and go berserk.
Okay, now count your a's, b's and c's and scroll down to find out which horror killer you could be...
a. Michael Myers
b. Jigsaw
c. Carrie
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