I just cannot freaking give this subject up. Something about Mexico calls to me and it's not white sandy beaches, Margaritas or authentic cuisine, it's the freaking alien/UFO thing connection. I am always stumbling across things from Mexico that make me feel like it's not just a bunch of separate events and situations, but is all connected. Mexico's geology is awesome for weirdness. There really is a connection with the freakiest shit in the world and an ore-rich soil. Here's some things that put Mexico in my curiosity/theory radar scope: Mass UFO sightings . The ones in Mexico are some of the best. Flying Humanoids. These look like a humanoid hovering, flying as if it has a jet pack. They have been seen mostly over Mexico and the Southwest. Dead alien carcass . Farmer kills a tiny alien by drowning it in an irrigation canal, taking hours for it to drown. It's body is studied by the team at Monsterquest. It's skeleton is like a lizard, its teeth do not have...