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Showing posts from May, 2011

Mexican UFOs, Aliens, Starchild, Flying Humanoids, Oh My!

I just cannot freaking give this subject up. Something about Mexico calls to me and it's not white sandy beaches, Margaritas or authentic cuisine, it's the freaking alien/UFO thing connection. I am always stumbling across things from Mexico that make me feel like it's not just a bunch of separate events and situations, but is all connected. Mexico's geology is awesome for weirdness. There really is a connection with the freakiest shit in the world and an ore-rich soil. Here's some things that put Mexico in my curiosity/theory radar scope: Mass UFO sightings . The ones in Mexico are some of the best. Flying Humanoids. These look like a humanoid hovering, flying as if it has a jet pack. They have been seen mostly over Mexico and the Southwest. Dead alien carcass . Farmer kills a tiny alien by drowning it in an irrigation canal, taking hours for it to drown. It's body is studied by the team at Monsterquest. It's skeleton is like a lizard, its teeth do not have...

Josiah: Undead Cowboy Released Today!!!

If you've been reading my fictional short stories (tab above), you might wonder if after two nonfiction books, I might try my hand at horror writing. I decided not to try my hand, but to throw in my feet, legs, arms, head, body... I took the plunge! "Josiah: Undead Cowboy" is the first in my "Midnight Arroyo Series" of western twists on classic horror themes. This 99-cent novel is now available on Kindle and Nook today! Don't forget, Kindle allows it to be downloaded to your Droid, IPad, home PC--you don't need a reader. There are some very unusual and exciting twists in this vampire story. It even includes the ghost realm and the condition of vampirism, as well as what it's like to be an undead cowboy trying to do right and fighting his instincts, going up against some vampires in the abandoned gold mine. The story was inspired by a trip to an old dead mining town where I saw a cowboy sucking on a cigarette and leaned up against a wall, booted ank...

"Finding Bigfoot" Animal Planet

"Finding Bigfoot" is premiering tomorrow night (Monday) on Animal Planet. This new series follows BFRO group (Bigfoot Field Research Organization) as they look for my favorite furry cousin. I've waited freaking forever for a Bigfoot Hunter show. I'm hoping this is close to what I imagined which would be what GH did for ghost hunting by taking us into the woods at night to hear shit and think we see shit and jump like a bunch of city boy pussies. Tune in if you have Animal Planet. Tomorrow night's premiere episode is Northern Georgia where footage was taken of a BF running across a road. ***Do not forget that tomorrow "Josiah: Undead Cowboy" the first in my "Midnight Arroyo" western horror series is for sale for 99 cents on Amazon and Nook.***

Adventure Sunday: Ghost Hunt Gear!

(Humvee Vest $27.95 Amazon NOTE: Chest sold separately) ( Laptop bag $39.99) ($34.24 V ivitar Pocket IR/night vision camera ) (give your team some gifts--you get 40 of these finger flashlights that make it very convenient to leave your hands free. $8.39) I am packing all these things. I thought I'd share my secrets!

Versatile Blogger Award

I admit to snagging this award before, but I love the connotations of having this award posted. Oh yes, I'm oh so versatile. I can put my feet behind my head. I want to thank one of my favorite bloggers I've found when I was doing my creepy blog stalking lately, slowdeath77 from Horror Smorgasbord (I'm Norwegian and I love horror--could this blog be any better suited for me?) for giving me this super award. I'm supposed to name 7 things y'all don't know about me. What a joke! (Quit laughing, yes, I know I have no self-editing skills). Let's go for the more titillating stuff... 1. I absolutely love having someone nibble on my neck and play with my hair--makes me insane! 2. Best date ever? A cheesy roadside carnival. 3. I used to chase boys in the neighborhood with strawberry lipgloss on and tackle them and kiss them and tell them it was a love potion. Oh hell, I'd still do it if I didn't think I'd get arrested. 4. Shooting baskets for hours a...

Time Travellers Caught on Pics???

Internet crazy fun--the concept of people finding old photos showing time travelers wearing or holding things that are not of their era. Now, the dude down below looks really vastly different than his companions of that era. Look at the sunglasses, the hoodie looking coat, the hatless head? All of it is of the time period, but he just doesn't fit in with his crowd, kind of like me at a West Virginia family reunion. Below is the pic and a picture of Lady Gaga amongst nuns; all of the same time period, she just is a different type of person of our time period. I'm guessing Mr. Hipster below is just too hip for his friends (or too young for that crowd). There is also a picture of Larry King amongst Hips Hop Dancers; same time period, different types.

Inspirational Saturday: Fate & Destiny

Fate: The belief that the order of things is predestined and unavoidable. Destiny: Predetermined course of events. I get asked about destiny and fate often. What is it with people wanting to hand over their past, present and future to some sort of organized plan? Perhaps it helps to take personal responsibility out of the equation. Let's look at something practical and real world like divorce. Should our fates be to have troubling relationships and our destiny be to divorce, then why is it that one hundred years ago, divorce was rare and now it is so common? Has something about the universal fate/destiny system been changing? Is some omnipotent poser of human's comings and goings bored and wanting to stir up the pot? Or are we, the people making decisions, changing? Are women able to support themselves and no longer have to stay in a bad relationship? Are men now free to leave and see lots of women as is their deepest desire? Ultimately, we aren't fated to get hit by a ca...

Lonely on a Friday Night--Join Me Here!

Hey, I'm in tonight. I'm gonna dink around with my new IR pocket camera and maybe do a little J&G parody for y'all. Also, gonna really horror up my bookshelves in my living room since that's where I write my horror novellas. It's another lonely night. Come and hang out. Chit Chat. Remind me that the world didn't end and I'm the last person standing, er, sitting .

Digital Cable: What a Total Waste!!!

I admit, my life revolves around the cable company. I suck off the teet of Cox. I also hate Cox! (yes, Cox, not Cocks). So, cable telephone, cable internet, cable entertainment. Or, more correctly, cable faux entertainment. It only gives the impression with the controller and the special box that I'm getting something. I'm getting about 5 channels I like and about several hundred that blow! Please, FCC, force cable channels to charge ala carte. I just got digital cable because I got the little speech about how it'll be cheaper than just having the regular cable. Hmm... Only channel worth shit? National Geographic! Here's just a sample of the wonderful lineup -I kid you not! 108--OFF AIR 109--COXR2 (ads) Arizona exterminating 110--DAYST (fucking televangelist crapola--can you say "snake oil?") 112--INSP (inspirational--yeah, gag me with a spoon! Totally!) 113--EWTN (a nurse in a monk's robe giving us some kind of talk? Looks like a bad SNL skit) 114--BYU...

Have Fun With Pics

My buddy, Barry at Gnostalgia , gave me links to site that let you play with your picture. I was obviously in a goofy mood and had a total blast. It's very addictive. Yes, I am Queen of the Dorks! ( But aren't these cool??? ) Photo505 and FunPhotoBox

New Ghost Adventures--Drinking Game Time!

("Salt Lake City" Brian Wilson) So, Zak and the boyz are going to the first hospital that is the most appropriate place for Zak to taunt, a hospital literally named for him. "Tooele Hospital" in Salt Lake City is tonight's episode. The drinking game? Rules: 1. Stay home 2. Take a gulp for every "bro," "dude," "man," every time Zak thinks he's being touched by the unseen and every time Aaron unhinges his mouth in horror. Tonight's drink? I'm stealing this drink title from a guy online with a great sense of humor. Instead of "Sex on the Beach," make yourself a "No-Unholy-Impure-or-Animalistic-Practices on the Beach" Remember, it's Lonely on a Friday Night, so please feel free to jump on and say "howdy," I love to chat while watching the Zak Baggy pants and the Scooby Douche Team.

Ghost Hunting in a 3-Dimensional World! Our Team POE

I'd like to thank Red Shoes for being yet another intelligent blogger who brought up a subject that made me think about an avenue of ghost hunting I haven't shared with ya'all much. Since starting a new group called POE (Paranormal Observation & Experimentation), I've begun thinking outside the box even more about ghost hunting. Oh hell, y'all know I was outside the box before, now I'm kind of outside the known universe ( which is technically the right location ). We have a list going of theories and experiments that could be pursued. One of my preoccupations at this point is with space. Not outer space. Just 3-dimensional space. We think of ghostly activity in terms of this; I'm standing here and across the room something sounded. Me: Here/Ghost: There. What we're missing in this scenario is all the negative space in the room. We need to fill that space in so we can discern movement, currents, formations, coalescing, et cetera. One experiment I wou...

Too Horrifying to Discuss: Singles Sites

I'm curious by nature and even more easily amused by social trends. I did not buy a pet rock or a mood ring when they were "in." I did not rush out to buy my Calvin Klein jeans even with a thick-eyebrowed, underaged Brooke Shields telling us nothing came between her and her Calvins. No, I still don't own a cell phone. I feel like I will have finally become part of the Borg collective when that occurs. So, for my own perverse pleasure, I put myself up on a dating site. Oh, don't worry, it was quite anonymous. Still, I wanted to see what the reaction would be and what the dreadful come-on's would be. Oh, they definitely satisfied my need for cheese, total hot oozing cheese. Here's my favorite message that came my way within the first hour I was on the site ( oh, and sorry this didn't come with antinausea medicine ): My Sweet Angel, Thank you for the wonderful evening in my dream's what a romantic night as we strolled along the beach line, hand in han...

KII: Useless Tool

I've learned over time the KII meter is absolutely useless as "proof" of paranormal activity. Not only does the meter not go off when things occur, but it often goes off when it has no paranormal stimulus, i.e. a regular room in a home not known to be haunted and when no one has asked for interaction with the other side. Under trial and error, I learned that the turning on of air-conditioners and heaters can set the damn thing off, even 15 feet away! Here's what I compare it to: Someone tells me that their thermometer read "96.8 Fahrenheit." I now know that a temperature was recorded. Do I know if that was a temperature captured on a rectal reading? Oral? Tympanic? Ambient room temperature? The device is made to measure temperature, but the source of that temperature must be determined to know if you got a low human temperature or a toasty room temperature. A KII meter simply tells you that there has been a spike in the electrical field, but the source of th...

This One Is For Bubba! PINK!

Hey, guys, give Eric "Bubba " credit for coaxing another bikini color out of me. Pink! A cute little number with monkeys on it.

Thanks Halloween Express!

I got a nice and unexpected award from Halloween Express online. This smart and bountiful Halloween store gave me some cred for what a wicked awesome blog I have. Here's what they said: Ghost Hunting THEOR1E5 is quite an amazing and very eclectic blog site created by author and self-proclaimed ghost hunter Autumn Forest.  This site has just about every aspect of the paranormal addressed in a sassy, irreverent and take–no-prisoners kind of way.  The site is easy to navigate and is divided up into several subcategories so you can easily find what you are looking for.  Some of the categories featured include ghost hunting, ghost stories, theories and the hilarious section featuring Dale the Doll.   Dale (who is brought to life by ventriloquism—or ?) has a few videos documented as well as crazy adventures of his own that are definitely worth checking out.  If you are interested in exploring the world of the paranormal, ghosts or just want to hear blogger Autumn poke fun at some paran...

Starchild Skull

I've got a lot of eccentric and unusual preoccupations. One of them is the Starchild skull , which from time to time, I need to check in and see what progress they've made in understanding its origins. The Starchild skull was found in 1930 in the Chihuahua region of Mexico. It is a 900-year-old strangely deformed skull, giving rise to lots of theories as to whether it was human, alien, or hybrid of the two. I wanted to see what's up with the DNA testing. So far, it would seem that Starchild's mother was a human. However, a coding section of the DNA was not attributed to any human DNA varieties found in the DNA banks that are our archives for our people. Is this a deformity? ( progeria ) ( hydrocephaly ) Here's some observations... Any way you look at it, this is a remarkable skull and could actually help science, whether it's dealing with DNA mutation or hybridization. I'm going to keep following it because, like the crystal skulls, it intrigues me. Oh, and ...

Adaptability in Ghost Hunting

J&G have us believing that you walk into a client's home. You do a breezy interview, note the hot spots and stories, set up the equipment and then promptly pair off; Amy and Adam, Tango and Steve, Jason and Grant. You walk around. You ask some questions. You sit back and get that KII meter going. Same ol'/same ol'. Every case is different. I would never be a professional exterminator and go into a home and set up rat traps. I'd find out if the problem was termites, cockroaches, silverfish or other. When I discover a baby's room, I might not spray toxic chemicals. I'd look for pathways and patterns for the critters so I can keep more raccoons from getting in the attic. Adaptability depending on the terrain, reactions and the circumstances! When you've done the proper pre-screening ( this can involve extensive questionnaires and a few weeks to a month's worth of logging activity by the clients ), you then get a picture of just how you might want to app...

National Geographic Channel & Paranormal

I am thrilled to now get the National Geographic Channel. I've been watching videos online from the channel of fantastic paranormal shows over the years and wanted it soooo badly, but I couldn't justify digital cable for it, but I made a deal and I'm happily in charge of like 400 freaking channels (300 of them Spanish or golf--hee hee), but I'm thrilled to get this channel. Here's a taste of some of their fantastic offerings: Beast Hunter: Just like it sounds--a man in search of all kinds of mythical and cryptid beasts. "When Aliens Attack" and "Area 51 Declassified" Mysterious Science: Subjects like stigmata, Phoenix UFOs, Earth pole shift, and many more. Naked Science: Parallel universes, and lots of other cool science topics. I'm very excited about this channel. I've been sneaking on and watching their videos about paranormal subjects like infrasound and ghosts and neutrinos and ghosts. Want to see some great stuff? Click on here ...

Creepy Things You Don't Think About: Underwear

This is a new series about creepy things you might not think about. (Mormon Underwear) (Amish underwear) (Victorian Underwear) (old lady underwear) (horror underwear) Just thought I'd give you some images of creepy things you may never think about. I am ever the optimist, so I promise to make it up to you... (Victoria Secret underwear)

Arizona Travel Recommendations

So many people are intrigued by the desert. I can understand. It is a completely different land than most folks in the country ever see. So, how do you come and visit the state without ending up like something out of "Hills Have Eyes?" First, let me tell you a little about AZ. The most surprising thing is that 70% of AZ is owned by the government, i.e. military, state parks, historic sites, and Reservations. So, we can only live on the other portion of the state. When you drive through AZ to go north or south, east or west from the major cities, you are going to be driving through some very barren country with no signs of humans. It is gorgeous, picturesque and majestic. You can literally see 180 degrees of sky and see mountains 50 miles away. So, don't be surprised how unusual it feels. It's not just the desert, sand, scrub brush and our famous saguaro cacti, but the mountains in much of the state are naked rock that turns blue and purple depending on the sunlight. T...

Super 8 Coming June 10th!

June 10th--I don't have a date, but I might have to hijack someone! I really, really can't wait to see this one!!! 1979--great year! I will be all sentimental. It looks as though Spielberg and JJ Abrams really got the era. It actually looks like it was filmed them. How can you tell? Did you ever see a retro movie that has crisp bright newly pressed clothing and squeaky clean refurbished cars? Yeah. It does not give the old vibe. Sure, back then, things were new too, but a little aging makes it somehow seem like an old movie. What the frag is it about? I have no clue. I did love "Cloverfield" and I have a bit of a crush on JJ Abrams (his talent, not necessarily him personally). Man, I can't wait to see this. How many days is that??? 17? Jeez! H-U-R-R-Y!

Post Apocalyptic Art!

When I was growing up, I dug up Civil War (and pre-Civil War) relics, mapped them out, cleaned them, put them into the display cabinets. I dreamed of being an archaeologist. I was enamored of abandoned sites where there was no life where there once was. I grew up to write horror stories. The combination makes this particular archaeology meets apocalypse art a dream come true. This is brilliant!! I just adore it this showing. Probably would be my favorite art show ever if I were to see it in person. The Eighth Day A collaborative exhibition by Colby Vincent Edwards, William Franevsky, and Jarrett Scherff contact.

Dale the Doll: Ghost Hunt!

Well, the Human took me on a ghost hunt. Of course, first she had to put me in the trunk so when she picked up one of the team, he got to be indoctrinated into the "open the trunk and find Dale" club. Whatever! I'm telling you the town of Tombstone, Arizona is one freaky place. I didn't like the feel or smell of it. It was all wrong. Dolls know these things. We're sensitives. What? You don't believe me? It's true! We pick up on all kind of bad mojo and that Birdcage Theater was filled to the brim. The Human left me all alone by the damned hearse. You can't imagine the sounds that thing made all night long! Even the humans were commenting on it, but still they left me there. And, let me tell you something, I don't like being bait. They dared ghosts to move me! Freaking hell!!! I managed to survive the investigation, but I did see and hear things the others couldn't. If those humans could, they sure as hell would have ran like babies from the ...

Why Americans Can't Lose Weight

In the pursuit of the typical American goal of losing weight, it dawned on me why weight loss is so hard for my culture of people. Yes, you could say we are whiny babies who want everything NOW! We are impatient, immature, and self-indulgent. But, that's not the case. My father came to America in the 1920s in a family of immigrants from Norway who knew that you work hard, you get stuff, whether it's recognition, promotion, money, or "things." We were all raised on the immigrant song of "anyone can make it, with some elbow grease." Americans don't take the vacations due them, they don't take siestas in the afternoon like others around the world who take a power nap, and we don't close down our job place at 4:30 to go to the pub. For an overworked culture, we have acquired a lot, including weight! So, why is weight loss so hard for us? It goes against every freaking principle we were raised upon! Look at this way: You work hard, late nights, weeke...

Western Horror Fiction

I kicked off my western horror novella series "Midnight Arroyo" on Kindle and Nook . Luckily, on Kindle they can be downloaded to your PC or IPAD or droid devices. " Josiah Undead Cowboy " is about a cowboy in the early 1900s in Arizona Territory who is thrust into some unusual circumstances, making him the eternal guardian of a ghost town and the vampires within the mines. It involves Native American legends, gold, and magic. The series will be covering the horror classics with a strange western twist including gold and an arroyo (wash) that runs through all the towns of the series, tying it all together in a strange and undead way. It's only 99 cents and you can't go wrong. Right now, I'm working on the second in the series, " Sheriff Kai: Zombie Outlaw Killer ."

Be a Dork: Stephen Hawking Rap Song

What can I say? I'd like to make up a hip hop routine to videotape to this one. It's on my to-do list. I fucking love this!

Science and the Paranormal

I've said it often and believe it with all my heart; even if ghostly activity is launched from the spiritual realm as many believe, it still presents itself within our world as images, sounds, feelings and smells and therefore it does interact with the scientific realm. It is in that realm this we will be able to weigh, measure, and interact with whatever is the cause of ghostly phenomena. By testing scientific theories, we can exclude some possibilities from the list and narrow the field until we figure out how it uses our physical world to show itself and perhaps lead to longer and more reliable interactions. Some theories of things that may contribute to, activate, or agitate ghostly activity: Ions Geomagnetic storms Earth's magnetic fields Geology Feng Shui (a building's layout and the layout of items within) Seismic activity Leylines How about potential tools for detecting paranormal phenomena and their efficacy? Ionizers Fog machines Laser grids Video Still photograph...

Adventure Sunday: Blind Roadtrip!

Nope, I am not suggesting that you blindfold yourself and take to the driver's seat, although you might do better than the cell phone addicts on the road . I'm talking about the ultimate adventure. Pack an overnight bag. Get in the car. Pick a direction. Drive. Wander. Have lunch in a strange town you never would have stopped in before. Pick the diner it looks like the locals use. Don't you dare use a chain restaurant! You can tell by the FoodTV show, "Drive-ins, Diners and Dives" that the best food is had at diners! This is all about poking around the unknown. See sights. Wander. Get out and walk around. Take a road that looks interesting. Keep going and then, when you feel the urge, stop and rent a hotel room. No reservations. In a town you either never went to or never thought to stop and sleepover in. Ask someone at the hotel desk if there's a museum in town or a tourist attraction. Do it the next day. Simple and completely unique way to spend your weekend...

Ghost Book

"Was That a Ghost?" by Gina Hana I am asked all the time, " hey, this thing happened to me, was it paranormal? " I've helped numerous people through the process of determination. No matter what the case, I took them through the same 3-point system to come out the other side with a "probably" or "probably not" result. This 3-point system I named "Trinity of Relevance" and it involves context, belief system and explanatory style. Those three components determine what might have colored your experience and perceptions or shown it to be strikingly authentically paranormal. I decided to put the process in a book with quizzes and lots of real life examples to help people through the Trinity of Relevance and into other realms such as haunted objects, haunted homes, those with latent psychic abilities and other paranormal oddities. I am proud of my book. I do not profess to know everything about how the paranormal world works. Anyone who te...

Cat Seance

Night of the Living Dead: Why It Works

If you haven't seen "Night of the Living Dead" (enjoy it above) If you have seen it, have you ever wondered why so many decades later, we can still hold such a fascination? Let's look at the elements: A home-movie like feel. You can almost hear the reel projector, can't you? Black and white and bleak. Can anything else be more depressing? It feels as if this could actually happen. The countryside is one you're familiar with. The simple task of visiting a grave, arguing between siblings, all familiar mindless events. It moves almost boringly slow the first minutes, if it weren't for the Twilight Zone kind of spooky music hovering lightly in the background. There's no huge onslaught like in "28 Days Later" where the hero wakes up in an abandoned hospital and encounters hordes of ghouls. This is just one stumbling man in a graveyard. Then, it becomes strangers looking for a haven, trying to make a plan for something no one could foresee. There...

Inspirational Saturday: Disputing Assumptions

Sit down some time and write a list of 10 things you've always assumed about yourself; 10 negative things. .. 1. I'm lazy. 2. I'm immature. 3. I'm irresponsible. 4. I'm inpatient. 5. I'm not smart. 6. I'm a baby. 7. I'm not talented. 8. I'm plain looking. 9. I'm boring. 10. I'm awkward. This was an exercise I did over 20 years ago. I did it at a very stressful and insecure time in my life. I had no idea how many of these things I carried around. I stopped and asked myself first, who made me believe/assume these things? The answer became "my family of origin and my husband." The way they treated me, the way they approached me, the things they complained about, the way they neglected me, told me that these were the things that were all wrong about me. Yes, that was my list above of assumptions about myself. I then sat down and put my beliefs on a witness stand and, like a lawyer, I disproved the points with examples that they weren...

Lonely on a Friday Night: Join Us!

I'm in all evening. Chit Chat as you wish. I'll know if you check in. :-)


Julie and I have a book "Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition)" on Kindle and Nook . Kindle allows for download to your PC, IPAD, Droid or other device. We went to 12 locations in the desert that were abandoned, photographed them and I did psychic reads from an item at each location and shared them in story form. We are continuing to go to other abandoned sites for further editions of the book. Fairbank, AZ On a recent trip to this ghost town in the AZ desert, I took some pics. I tried to keep the pics of the place down to a minimum, forcing me to take shots that when I see them, I will always recall how that place felt. The town was frontier feeling and in a quiet little valley. It was surrounded by very bone dry desert, everything bleached by the sun. Parched. Here's how I saw Fairbank, AZ... **DON'T FORGET LONELY ON A FRIDAY NIGHT HERE THIS EVENING**