So, Syfy will be starting a new show called "Haunted Collector" with a team that goes in search of haunted items. Argh! They really need a psychometrist-h-e-l-l-o?
Okay, so since they stole my idea to use my own skills in such a form of entertainment, I'd like to suggest this show:
"Paranormal Hostage" I go and knock on a random door and ask someone "will you commit to doing a paranormal investigation with me without knowing what or where?" If they say yes, I take the poor sucker (ahem) I mean person, along with me on a trip to hunt for Bigfoot or use them as a lure for the Jersey Devil or some other horrifying task. I enjoy a good deal of humor dealing with them along the way and leave them ultimately in a dark place to face a fear they never imagined they'd have to face.
Syfy, you can find me here. I'm on this damn blog every freaking day!
BTW: I also have an idea for a ghost hunting show that would be half amazing research/half Big Brother! I call it "Ghost House."
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