It's that time again, my dearies, we're going to find out more about you! Count your a's, b's, and c's and see which one you get the most of. Scroll down and find out which horror movie scenario you could survive.
1. When it comes to school, I tended to have an easier time with...
a. Shop, Home Ec, anything hands-on learning
b. Dissecting frogs in biology class, things no one else wanted to do
d. Debate team, using my mind, solving puzzles
2. My cliche in school? I'd probably say I was...
a. Working class kid, regular guy/gal, average
b. Daredevil, adrenalin freak, sometimes a bully
c. A thinker, philosopher, debater
3. I most admire..
a. The Dirty Jobs dude, Mike Rowe, or Bob Villa the house fixer upper dude, handy guys
b. Donald Trump, Richard Branson the owner of Virgin Airlines, movers/shakers/daredevils
c. Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, the philosophers of old, thinkers/enlightened
4. I'm at a party and someone starts a fight with another person. I would want to...
a. Help out the person who tries to break up the fight--I'll be the added muscle to hold him still
b. Jump in there and get in the guy's face and shove at him, tell him to chill it. I'm not afraid of a fight
c. Be a sounding board to help people get their frustrations out and clear it up
5. Physically, I am...
a. Able to go on long hikes, okay with nature
b. Confident if I need to fight, but I'd rather intimidate and make someone back down
c. I'm confident in my intellectual abilities only
Okay, count your a's, b's, c's and scroll down. Find out which horror movie scenario you could survive.
**Don't forget, tonight is Lonely on a Friday Night. Feel free to come and go and hang out on here and talk back and forth. I'll be here hosting.**
a. Hills Have Eyes
b. Jeepers Creepers
c. Silence of the Lambs
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