I was not plagued by poltergeist activity after leaving my childhood home and entering my latter teen years. I figured it was past me. I still could not wear a watch without killing it within 1-2 days, but other than that, I had only the occasional TV turning on when I entered the room or store alarm going off or street light turning on. I didn't give those much notice because without consistency, one never knows what caused them.
But, one day when I was in the worst part of my dying marriage and had so much repressed anger that I worked out 2 hours a day and still could not find a release, I was in the grocery store. I live in what was once a retirement area, but became the breeding ground for yuppie families. Still, the elderly like to shop at this small local grocer.
I entered the end of an aisle where an elderly woman was picking out a few items. I pushed my cart just past her and stopped it so I could walk freely up and down the aisle and pick up what I needed.
As I stepped away from the cart, in front of me a package of oatmeal fell to the ground. I stopped and picked it up and put it back. Then, as I straightened up, behind me I heard a plastic container drop. I looked over to see a coffee canister on the ground. I picked it up and put it back.
When I straightened up, the elderly woman was staring at me, her mouth unhinged. I figured she was surprised to see someone being considerate enough to put away items not left securely on the shelves.
I took two steps to go for the cereal when a box of granola bars fell down directly in front of me. What bothered me most is that out of my peripheral vision, I saw that shelf with the boxes on it and it looked like two of them were moving, or as if one behind the other one pushed the front one to the ground.
I looked around as if I were guilty of some crime. The old woman shook her head and said, “that just went right for you, didn't it, dear?”
I nodded. I thought it was a funny way to say it, but I put the box back and then stood up, refusing to move at all. Perhaps somehow I was causing an imbalance in the floor, making the shelves move somehow and toss items. I smiled when I realized all was quiet and still.
Then, just as I began to pivot to go back to my cart, two more items toppled from a shelf about 10 feet away.
The old lady turned at that point and rushed off. Of all the strange instincts, I chased after her, half wanting to stop her from telling anyone.
I got my cart and decided not to pick up items and put them back. It seemed to be a horrible chain of events.
Later on that evening, I finally let my anger out and voiced my desire for a divorce, but those items on the shelf kept coming back to mind. I hadn't done my 2-hour workout that day, had no release for all the frustration.
What if our emotions do not know the boundaries of our bodies? What if they can thrust out like an aura and infect others with anger, sadness or anxiety? What if they can actually affect the harmonic resonance of objects and make them shake and move?
As I further my research into fourth dimension concepts to co-author a book on the subject, I am struck wondering if perhaps the physical limitations of the body in the third dimension are countered by another aspect of us that can enter the fourth dimension because it does not have form stopping it. Whether this is the human soul or not is yet to be seen, but I will continue probing this most interesting theory and you will be hearing more on it.
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