This proud mama wants to say happy 23rd birthday to her fantastically talented son. He has amazed me every moment of his life. Born a wise old soul, he was crawling at 3 months, walking at 8 months and reading at 3 years. He was in gifted programs his whole life. He excelled with computers, writing, art. You name it, if he decided to do it, he did it well. He recently graduated from college with a degree in intermedia art. He is a website designer and graphic artist, as well as a writer of a fantastic post-apocalyptic novel (yet to be completed). He is engaged to an amazing woman who is his perfect partner and equal. Can life be any better for this young man? I think not. I always called him "coach" and there is a reason for it. He taught me everything I ever needed to know about life that mattered and gave me substance. Happy birthday, Alex! Check out his work at his site.
**Do not miss tomorrow's Mind Fuck Tuesday--it is my favorite post I've ever written.**
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