I heard FoF was picked up again. (Hence the special celebration pic!)

This season for me was a total clunker. Really bad choices for cases, doing things that they could have disputed without even researching, like glare from glass domes and mating manatees (I could do this show from home with the Internet) and a swingset swinging on its own -- WTF? The only good case they did was the chupacabra. I'm really disappointed. It just got super watered down and in the end they go, "well, we could repeat it so it could be a hoax, but then that doesn't mean it wasn't real, it just means it could or could not have been a hoax..." (hem, haw)
All I gotta say about this episode (it was a season ender??? DT went to Antarctica). How is it possible that the only two times they need someone in a swimsuit for the show, they manage both times to need Jael to do it? What are the odds on a team of 6 people? No Bill in a swimsuit? Chi-Lon, I'd be seriously insulted. You're a more beautiful woman and I suspect you have a much hotter body. So, why you're not posing, ahem, researching in a swimsuit, I don't know, but you should complain for equal rights to bring up the ratings in a shameless manner. (Hey, I'm an expert, just check out my tank top shots)
Now, kiddies, I will tell you my version of a revamp of the show:
Remember "X-Files?" Remember the Lone Gunman? I want a group of eccentric nerds of all shapes, ages, sizes sitting around watching videos--to make it sexy, have them in a basement like good nerds and have giant screen TVs banking a wall. They laugh and dispute the vids and then they go over to their computers and look up all the info online they can to find out that it's faked. Or, they recreate it with their computers. They never leave the dark basement. Maybe even one of their moms brings down some Pizza Rolls for her son's "little friends." That's my rendition of the show and I'm liking it!
Okay, what's your version?
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