Here's the question Julie and I are asking in our upcoming book "Spirit Vessels: Why Some Buildings Are Haunted" What did the ancients know about stones that we don't seem to recall?
My buddy in Tucson contacted me about his recent desert hike and finding of circles of HoHoKam grinding stones. This brought back the question of circular stands of stones, sometimes toted long distances to build sacred structures found in places like Egypt, the UK, the Americas, Easter Island and more. When wood was easier to use and more convenient, many cultures demanded certain structures be stone and specific types of stones.
To that end, Julie and I are planning to hike with our buddy in Tucson to do some research for the book in such a sacred place. We will also perform some experiments and look for phenomena. I am strong with theories, but I also like to go out in the field and test them.
Here's how I see it; certain stones, put into the right formations become ideal spirit vessels. They retain spiritual energy and amplify it like the echoing chambers of a music hall. Many generations of spiritual practices in one area are likely to retain more and more collective memory, as a haunted house under the right construction and atop the right geology might be an ideal site for spirit activity.
So, I hope to bring dowsing rods, compass, do some chanting and dancing and see what I can visualize of the past activity of the place. In general, by touching objects, I can visualize past movement and activities, people and purpose. I hope to, of course, take video and photos to share with y'all as we go through the process of this research. We're hoping to hit it in mid April before the damn rattlers come out to play.
Let me know what you think of this theory. We hope to hold up all the things we learn about the components of spirit vessels in one example of a famous haunted site that has all the attributes x 1000.
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