Another installment in my Saturday inspiration series.
I had a friend talking about fate and it's a weird thing. I don't believe in fate. I believe life is what you make of it. Here's an example. An artist looks up at that sky (picture above) and sees the sun setting in stormy weather. He stops and pulls out his paints and his easel and canvas and begins to paint.
Was the artist fated to see that and paint it? No. Did he notice the beauty in the world and decide to act upon it? Yes. So, his future was changed by inspiration and action. So, if people refer to fate, to me it is: Inspiration and Action.
Same with the concept of "signs" which I covered in my book "Was That a Ghost?" Signs are something we notice when we're looking for them. Beauty and opportunity is something we notice when we're looking for them. In a married relationship, if you remained loyal, you probably met dozens of people who could have been considered fated for you, but you chose not to notice what was so perfectly matched for you, so you bypassed them. You didn't change fate, you simply didn't act on inspiration and action.
To say there is fate is to say we are stumbling throughout life without any plan, but every action we take creates a reaction. If we look for opportunity and either act or don't act, we change that supposed fate. It's not written in stone, it's written in our perceptions and our deeds.
Now, be inspired and take action tonight. The full moon is very close to the earth creating a "super moon," so take your loved one outside and mention how big the moon is. It hasn't been this close since 73 and it's also a full moon, so it's doubly good. Remember that scene in "Bruce Almighty" when he lassoed the moon and pulled it in to impress his woman? Take credit tonight for doing just that.
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