Julie and I had started the Hug-A-Blogger project as a proposal for a book. We would drive across the country, meet and hug bloggers, get an anonymous looking picture of us (to keep up with the online mystique for everyone) and feature them and their blog in a chapter of the book, discussing how it changed their lives, what they expected going into it and how it paralleled what was going on in their own lives. Being cost prohibited, publishers were not jumping on-board.
But, a few days ago, it struck me like lightning! HaB must continue on--the idea is a good one. Julie and I not only became good friends and sisters, road trip buddies, explorers and adventurers, ghost hunters together, but we also published a book together. So, we wanted to make a social site where people could write in what their experiences have been; some got jobs, some were inspired by someone's example, some found friendship, pen-pals, romance,and met in real life. We want to hear about it and promote a place where bloggers can perhaps hear stories from their own regions of the country and meet other local bloggers, can showcase their blogs and tell stories that show how blogging changed their lives. We even talked about potentially having tank tops made with the logo and doing a wall of pics women can send in wearing the tank tops--because you know, I'm famous for tank top shots!
We've inserted tabs on the blog so you can look by region or by subject such as "work" "romance" "friends" "met in real life" "penpals" et cetera.
So, jump on and check it out and if you have stories, the email address is at the top. We can showcase your story and your blog(s) and keep things anonymous if you like or if one person wants to be anonymous while the other tells the story, cool. We encourage mysterious photos so we never fully see you, videos, anything. Let's have fun with this project and pass the word that HaB is a place for bloggers to connect and tell stories.
Here's the link...
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