(Witchy Woman done a cappella by Calmwaters23 on YouTube. This dude has serious talent. I figured since the Travel Channel promoters left me in the dark about this episode, I'd leave the Eagles in the dark too! You won't miss a thing, this version rocks!)
I don't know whazzup with the promoters, but they said goodbye for the season and see y'all next fall with the new season and then they burped up the Valentine's episode without warning and now a Salem episode that is new. The season isn't on, but apparently they had some straggler episodes?? I'm not going to complain! God, I miss new episodes of GA!
The boyz are hitting Salem. You knew this would have to happen and with Zak being a superstitious type, he's going to be all heebie jeebies, might be calling on an incubus or being burned at the stake (even though they were hung actually).
Drinking game tonight will have a new twist. I'm going to give you the rules and send you to my buddy The Liquor Guy to find out what the drink(s) are suggested. He has a classy, witty and wicked site for people who are interested in all things liquor
1. Stay Home.
2. Take a sip (or gulp) for every "bro," "dude," "man," every time Zak thinks he got touched by a ghost and every time Aaron's mouth becomes unhinged in horror.
Tonight is going to rock! There's something about Zak and the dudes in Salem that gets me all excited for a good time and lots of chuckles. Don't forget--tonight is Lonely on a Friday Night. Join me on here all evening. I'll be here to hostess if you want to drop in and leave comments and chat.
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