I will guarantee you there are not any man out there ready to offer that they have secret crushes on unattractive, overweight, balding or old ladies. Women are definitely step up on the evolutionary scale. In fact, I am extremely wary of handsome men. It's qualities I fall for and honestly handsome men don't have to work on their qualities.
My first crush ever was Nikola Tesla. He will always be my greatest crush. He was brilliant but his ideas were so left field that people thought he was insane, but he was insanely brilliant. He had those penetrating dark stares and strange OCD ways that made him rather reclusive. He was taken advantage of, never truly profited from his finds. He was a man misunderstood. I find brains to be very sexy.
Mike Rowe is perhaps not a hard crush to imagine. I do like manly men, but I don't like boastful ones or ones that would rather watch sports than take advantage of a willing woman in a bra and panties staring him down. He knows man stuff, is nicely chiseled, but also would drink beer from a bottle and likely open the door for a gal. The guys love him, and the women feel better having him in their home to fix things, lift things, and generally be a dude.
Seth Rogan, yes. But, not the new skinny one. I liked him better with unshaven face, belly and curly hair. He was funnier and less the romantic lead. I adored him in "40-year-old Virgin." Seriously, humor is what women always say they want and they truly do. Women have tough lives because it's not about them, it's always about the others in their life, children, man, friends, family. They don't even know what they want. They sink into bed late at night and worry about the next day and everyone in it. A man who can remind them that nothing is worth being that worried over, is a winner. Every man is gorgeous when he's funny. If he can take a woman from being self conscious about her body during sex and make her laugh--he's a keeper!
Phil Collins. Yes! I love his pointy nose, his pouty face, his blue eyes, his bald head, even his paunchy belly. He's a talent and passionate about it. I love men who have a craft or art they are into and they can focus on it to the point of not wanting to eat or sleep because he's onto something he's creating. I get the feeling from him that he would open doors, kiss knuckles and give a boyish smile. He will never age. Yum!
Brian Dennehy. WTF? Yeah, I'm surprised about that one. This says a lot about a man. He carries himself like he can have any woman he wants. He commands a room when he enters it. He acts like he could give a shit, but then he can growl and intimidate. It's all in his eyes. I cannot stop staring at those eyes. He's comfortable in his own skin, even though it's stretched over a bloated body. Every pore in that man's body exudes sex, sex, sex.
So, why in the world do women have crushes on these odd men? Because we see a man as a series of traits. When you are in love with his guitar playing, you notice his hands. His hands are beautiful. When he smiles, he has a dimple. You don't look him and look for what's wrong, like his extra pounds or his crooked teeth or his lack of hair on his head. You see this man whose voice moves you and gets you juicy, who's naughty grin makes you giggle. He is a personality and when you fall for his personality, you look for those features that attract your eye and he becomes a smile and strong manly eyebrows. You assign those features to the man you love and he becomes gorgeous.
If you ever see an unattractive man with a good looking woman, you might just be seeing that weird female quality at work. You almost never see a handsome man with an ugly woman but if you do, you've found a very mature fellow.
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