Above: My hair color in my seventh grade picture and my hair color today.

It was somehow symbolic I claim my childhood hair color again. I think because my ex liked brunettes and from my 20s onward I was constantly dyeing out the red tones to go for...blah. No offense to brunettes, but when your coloring isn't made for it, it looks weird, just like when red heads like Lindsay Lohan think they can go blond--ick! I think Nooshi at Beauty Brands in Ahwatukee did a great job of getting me back to me! Even though I had gone back to red after the divorce, I didn't quite get the color I had as a kid. She knew just how to tweak it to my skin tones and eye color and got just the color of my youth. I may not be in seventh grade again, but that gal feels like she's more herself than the faker she had been for years. Okay, I promise, no more beauty posts. I just knew y'all might wonder about my comment about doing something insane today. You might have figured I'd held up a bank or jumped from a plane or went toe to toe with a Bigfoot. Sorry, it was my day off so my search was more inward.
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