It's not that far off the mark for me to post about time travel because a theory that runs around in the paranormal community is the possibility that what we are experiencing are not fully perceivable visits from the future or even blips from the past that cross our time period occasionally. Hence, the future might be watching us or we are watching the past.
Let's talk about what most consider to be preposterous science—the design of a traveling machine. H.G. Wells aside, most scientists take newer scientific finds to explain possibilities such as the use of a wormhole created to allow someone to go from point A to point B directly instead of indirectly. This concept is the most popular of all ideas for traveling through time; as you bend space, you bend time.
The question becomes the most classic one. What if you go back and kill your grandfather? Have you just in effect ended your own future existence and if you did that, how could you go back and kill grandpa? Everyone has their own take on this. Mine would be more of the concept that if we travel through time and encounter things, we change the course of that time line, but not the time line we came from, a sort of parallel universe concept.
Is it possible that we can walk through an historic building and feel a deja vu as if we just traveled back in time? Some people report this time shift feeling. Is it actual time shift? I would doubt it because nothing special was done to achieve this state and if it were that random, it would happen more often. More often than not, people are stimulated by sounds, smells, feelings that are deja vu-like and we interpret that as time shifts. It could be that under the right conditions we recognize the past in the form of ghosts, better known as residual hauntings. A moment in time is replayed out and seen visually or auditory or olfactory. What causes that blip in the loop of time is unknown, but it could be more in the individual as a psychic receptor than in an actual playing out of a scene. In other words, if someone were psychically sensitive (perhaps not even realizing he was so), he could visually or auditory or otherwise sense a past moment, as I can read past history in objects.
So, what is your take on time travel and the ability to change destiny?
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