It's that time again. From now until everyone hits the hay, we can hang out and comment back and forth, say "hi," talk about our week, the paranormal, the funny "Ghost Adventures" episode of just flirt and be silly. You may begin now.
Oh, and on another note...
**I wanted to thank everyone who has been so supportive as I went through my divorce to reclaim my own life and my maiden name. I just wanted you to know that it all paid off. I am free and clear and I am Ms. Day again. It was the bravest and most intelligent thing I've ever done and I never would have thought I could do it or deserved to do it if it weren't for ya'all and your encouragement and belief in me. I am blissfully happy. It was done painlessly and with both our cooperation and without a lawyer. We did it with the friendship and dignity with which we entered our ill-fated romance for two people so different and truly just meant to be friends and not more. Our son is proud of us and relieved that his parents are still his best friends and that we have no anger or resentment. In fact, without romantic notions in the mix, we get along quite well like cousins or siblings and it is a huge relief for all involved. Now, on to the next chapter of my life where in my 40s, I might actually fall in love and be loved. I want to know what that is like and what it is to told I'm beautiful or "honey" or kissed for more than 1 brief minute. I suppose it's never too late to aspire for a dream if one is brave enough at any age.**
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