Since I do actually have a blog called "Ghost Hunting Theories," and I often get off-task, I thought I'd be on-task right now. On my road trip with Julie from Above-The-Norm recently, I discovered something more about my psychometric abilities. First, I will backtrack a bit here. Do you recall me telling you that a follower sent me a stone in the mail? Yes, well the reading on the stone was from a cemetery and apparently I hit the mark completely with it and the stone's perspective. Only problem is, there was no living attached to the stone and so how did I see the stone's perspective? I could think of only two options; one is that I saw the person who collected its point-of-view or I remote viewed the prior location of the rock. Well, that's one new thing I learned about my skills that surprised me.
But, on Julie and I's trip to the burned out house, I learned something new that shocked me and was a total first ever. I went around the building, touching everything I could put my paws on, and not a single image, emotion, anything. The site was entirely sterile from a psychometric POV. So, what does that mean? In my question to understand my skills better and better, it means that whatever I read from an object just might be in surface "cells." That being the case, heat apparently can affect the content. Hmm....
The mystery continues and if you can come up with any cool experiments, let me know. Time Human gave me a few good ones and I hope to find more to help me pinpoint this skill and how it works. I do know from a child that digging up relics from the Civil War and before that time period, I was able to gather memorie from those and get reads, so burial doesn't make them lose their psychic substance.
On to the next totally cool thing. I mentioned the road trip Julie and I did to some amazing abandoned sites. This one (video below) is called The Domes in Casa Grande, AZ. I've heard a lot of stories of why these were built including that they were to be factories. Now, they just house a lot of youths in a small town on a boring weekend. They are truly creepy and cool! They create an echoing effect that is like a richocheting bullet.
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