No, I haven’t forgotten or abandoned the theme of my blog. I took a break admittedly after all the research for the haunted formula and the books I’m working on, but I’ve been in the mood lately to discuss some alternate explanations for hauntings. This will be a series on the blog, called appropriately “Ghost Hunting Theories.” Expect to hear such things discussed as; interdimensional beings, shadow people, aliens, neurologic disorders, residual, alternate universes, time splits, earth effects and completely explainable.
In this first in the series, I want to discuss the concept of interdimensional beings. Let’s go to Wikipedia to get an overview: There is a hypothesis called “Interdimensional hypothesis,” relating that UFOs, aliens, shadow people, crop circles, Bigfoot, and ghostly activity are all explained by the passage of beings from another dimension occasionally crossing into our dimension and being glimpsed.
I’ll be honest. When I first heard about this theory, I laughed. It’s a normal reaction when hearing such a “universal” view of ghostly activity. Then, I started reading more about it and considering it. Honestly, the concept of souls of the departed lingering as if their lives on Earth weren't enough seemed equally as ludicrous.
Some things explained by this theory include the lack of evidence of visitations, the difficulty capturing them, their ability to show up and then disappear suddenly. The characteristic often associated with shadow people is that once they realize they’ve been seen, they dart off into oblivion as if they didn’t expect to be seen by people normally. There are also some areas like Bennington Triangle that have a wide variety of events occurring on one place that make them seem likely portals.
Let’s go back in time when a person would get a cut that became infected. They had no concept that tiny little microscopic bacteria were the reason they were getting sick and dying. The very mention of microbes would have made people giggle nervously. “There’s nothing there we don’t see with our eyes. That is ridiculous! Surely it is a matter of the person's character or perhaps their very soul.” Things that occurred were often explained by the supernatural or spiritual because if science didn't cover it, that's the category it was relegated to. Luckily, advancements made it possible to see things at a molecular level and realize that these very exceptionally tiny bacteria could create a chain reaction that would down a human. It was not the human's lack of moral fiber that created the illness but something spread easily by our environment.
The ghost world will some day face the same issue; is it supernatural or is it scientific?
We are in much the same situation now. We have all these different forms of phenomena, no way to truly capture them. I know this as an investigator that it’s an extremely frustrating thing when really the majority of the evidence if subjective personal experiences. Perhaps we aren’t able to visualize the means by which these phenomenon occur. And, perhaps they are not all separate issues, but held together by one commonality; interdimensional travel.
So, the next obvious question is; if they can travel into our dimension, why the hell don’t we drop into theirs? There are many explanations, some including technology and others assuming that perhaps their dimensions have exits and ours does not.
Here is another consideration; what if when we are sitting at home watching TV, we are being seen briefly by another dimension, but we do not see their dimension? Perhaps when we glimpse a ghost, we are briefly seeing something in another dimension which might also explain why it often times does not seem to see us or passes through walls as if they are not there.
Any way you look at the concept of interdimensional beings, I actually have it as one of the top of my list of explanations for phenomenon. I am more likely to believe that concept than souls being stuck here because they don’t know they’re dead or they unfinished business which I put further down my list. At the end of this series, I will give you my order of beliefs at this very moment because, one thing I know about me, tomorrow something new will give me a new belief in the field.
It is my very ability to admit I have no final answers that keeps me seeking out ghost hunting theories.
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