I admit to having some Halloween lovers whom I worship; Pumpkinrot, John at Season of Shadows, Sam Hain at The Halloween Blues, and well I've covered most of them in my post about Halloween-themed blogs, but Tom Nardone is one brilliant dude. He took pumpkins from your typical crooked grinning Jack O'Lantern to a level that turns them into squash rock stars! I love his books and keep them out year-round because they just inspire me so much. He doesn't just make fucking insane pumpkin horrors and goofy funny ones like pumpkins vomiting their guts out, but he also fills the books with weird facts you never knew. I like the way this guy's mind works!
I will be giving away both his most popular books "Extreme Pumpkins" and "Extreme Pumpkins II." All you have to do is be a follower and comment on this post by 12:00 am EST on Monday (in other words, midnight Sunday night EST). Monday I will make the drawing and announce the two winners. Good luck ya'all!
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