I believe that everything bad has something good. I started blogging to get through my recovery from an Achilles tendon repair. I found I had a lot of knowledge and opinions about the ghost realm. Others seemed to like what I had to say and how I liked to say it. Then, in October I wrote some short stories for the Halloween season and ya'all really enjoyed them. So, I started to feel more confident about my writing, something I had stopped doing years ago. So, I submitted a short story and won the contest, went on and submitted more short stories and got them published, then started seriously working on books. I was in a miserable marriage with no emotion about it and I had been eating and gaining some weight on my thin frame. I didn't feel like myself and lost all confidence. Ya'all thought I was pretty and sweet and smart and I realized I am worth more than I am asking in my marriage. So, I decided to get a divorce and lost weight rapidly.
It's an extremely amicable divorce and we are doing this with great dignity. We started out at at 16 and 17 as friends who tried to make it romantic but it just wasn't there. We didn't think of each other "that" way and we had almost nothing at all in common from interests to viewpoints. So, we are going through the divorce process now and I am getting an apartment in my son's apartment complex nearby and happily simplifying my life.
I am finishing up the manuscript for a book "Was That a Ghost?" about how to determine if something you encountered might be of a paranormal nature. Being on my own and having an apartment will make it possible to spend more of my free time writing. I am thrilled beyond belief! If I hadn't ruptured my achilles, if I hadn't started a blog.... Well, you get the picture.
My life is just beginning now and I can honestly say, it wouldn't have happened if ya'all hadn't been so inspiring and sharing your own trials and tribulations and letting me know that I'm fine just the way I am. I love you all! This is yet another reason why the Hug-A-Blogger project is so necessary! I know I'm not the only one whose life has changed because of the blogging community. Those of you who regularly email me (a lot of you) know that we affect change in each other all the time. I'm a big believer in recycling and so I hope to keep giving back some of the support I've received.
After all, we're all in this crazy human experiment together!
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